For about the past six months "The Naked and Famous" have been part of the main rotation on my iPod. So much so, that my roommate has told me I need to stop. Ha! I might go as far as saying that they are currently my FAVOURITE band. Two days after returning from Coachella (a much needed Coachella and life update to come) I had to tickets to their concert. It was a Wednesday... WORK night, but that didn't matter. I was PUMPED and they were AMAZING. Yes, the set was short... but honestly, they played ALL they had plus one new one I believe. I had perma grin the entire time and upon arriving home could not fall alseep for a couple of hours because I was so happy!
The little asian lead singer of the band is fantastic to watch live as she is either bouncing around on stage or hunkered down belting out the lyrics with her sweaty bangs handing right over her eyes so all you see is a little anime character with nose and mouth.
If you haven't listened -- I recommend.
Me - beaming before the concert! :)