
Mar 24, 2004 00:28 make me feel like shit.
you make me cry when all i need is a smile.
You make me feel like I cant do anything right.
You make me feel so unwanted, so used, so tainted.
You make me feel like the biggest bitch on earth.
You make me feel like I will dioe if Idont talk to you right now.
You make me feell like you just dont want it anymore.
That's it guys...he's over me, I lost it, my last chance.
I still love you.

I might start working at Family Dollar. Goo, not cool. Me and Gerald were both yelling about how we want to die and even when there was a customer in there. He was laughing at us. We are the biggest jokes ever. Well, almost Don's a pretty big joke. Psh. He tells Costa he's gonna "kill" me. Wahahahahaha! I laugh so hard at his feeblwe attempts to sound hard...or meaningful for that matter. A challenge of wits perhaps? No, for that would be a one sided battle. A battle of trickery, thats right up our alley, or maybe a battle of STD's, well, he's got me there. I'm clean. It sure feels good to say that. I bet he wishes a whole lot that he didnt have warts, adn I know he does, his "closest friends" tell me everything. It's funny how nobody likes him.

Oh goodness! Dave Rhey was polka dancing today, so funny I almost pee'd at one point he polka'd right out of his shoes, no jioke. He kept moving but his shoes were stationary. Both of them at the same tim. Craziest thing I ever witnessed. He told me about how his grandpa used to make him polka becasue a real man knew how. Something about getting chicks I think. I dont know. Anyhoo, I got court tomorrow so i'll catch you all tomorrow. Tonight Gerald asked me why I had court and I was like "traffic ticket" and he was like " I killed a man!" I was like "yeah, I shot a man in Reno...just to watch him Die" Johnny cash baby.
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