f-ing deal

Jan 28, 2006 15:02

i like to say f-ing. it is provocative yet censored, but it may be annoying if used too many times, as i'm sure everyone who has talked to me can attest to.
but regards to the play: i am slightly worried. scratch that. i'm fucked. screwed. in over my head. say what you want, but chances of me even getting a speaking part are slim to none. god damn it all. damn damn damn. shit bitch ass. racial slur.
excuse me.
sorry about that. i sound like a broken record, i know. i'll just think about other things.
the mechanic came to fix the acura, but left only a card with "please call" written on it. i'm afraid to call, for fear the grim reaper for cars will answer.
the father's day mass was alright. we sat by bunches of freshmen, which is only so appealing. and the minestrone soup wasn't to die for. but i had fun with my dad. i love my dad.

with that positive note, i leave you. later, suckahs.
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