Title: The Resurrection of the Goddess Wuhu
Summary: Jack learns the true reason why Anamaria left the Black Pearl with no notice and no boat.
Chapter: Introduction ;; The end begins.
flameandigniteRating: PG (for now)
Characters: Jack Sparrow, Anamaria, Joshamee Gibbs, Hector Barbossa, Samdi Towhee
Pairing: Jack/Anamaria (i think it's obvious by now what pairing i write, haha)
Disclaimer: I do not own the pirates but I do own Samdi, my tribe of cannibals, and my overzealous imagination. Long live Jack Sparrow.
Author's Note: So, this is was a follow-up to my
drabble in which Jack finds himself as a papa. I've taken the idea and ran a muck with it and managed to get lost along the way. We all know that Jack would hit the dust the moment he found out so I'm challenging myself and trying to make this realistic. This is just the intro to see where are most important characters are in the climatic bit of the story. This is my first multi-chapter PoTC fic, concrit is more than welcome.