Timewalk Stables' updates: Tosca's Adventures in Crime! [Sims 3]

Jun 19, 2012 22:01

Once upon a time there lived a little super heroine!

Well okay, Tosca seems to think she's one. She's perpetually wearing a cape wherever she goes and her parents are both pretty heroic. Nexrad is a high-top forensics god of science for the Police Department and Taliesen's .. well okay, he's currently taking it easy by running his stable of horses! I'm sure to someone that's heroic!

From Sims 3The heroism never stops. A simple break-in of an unfortunate criminal ends with Nex giving him a staredown...

From Sims 3I swore he was going to pounce the guy and beat him up... Then the cops showed up....

From Sims 3"Damned alarm.... Was SO looking forward to that... Going to have to rewire it with some delay!"

From Sims 3
When Tosca's not practicing heroics with her magic construction paper necklace and cape, she takes to studying the ins and outs of culinary awesome!

From Sims 3Well okay perhaps not so awesome...

From Sims 3
Okay ya know? I don't think muffins are supposed to act as smoke signal tools.

From Sims 3
She dons her monster costume and vents her rage at the extinction of her natural prey? mammoths and the establishment and all things with a barbaric "rar" at her cooking failures!

From Sims 3While Tosca is venting her rage at her cooking foibles, Taliesen-dad achieves 'friend to all horses!' Sort of like Mothra only without moth wings!.. and less children!  The casual ride on Honeypie hits it home for him!

From Sims 3The desire to breed, raise and show quality horses continues for Tal. He loves showing his babies off in all areas of equestrian competition. He's been poking me for 5 wins for Beginning Races and 10 Beginning Cross Country events... So it's time to prepare!

From Sims 3Drazen is currently his fastest on flat racing tracks now that Spirit Dancer is living in the lap of luxury as a retired stud. (Yeah, what a rough way to live, there! Woohooin' up pretty mares daily then comin' home to woohoo up his pinto Gypsy boy!) So Tal sets out to make him pretty and groomed!

From Sims 3

His first showing out is pretty awesome! (The joys of letting the horses run around the house on their own for a while to build up their racing skill! :D )

From Sims 3This wasn't Cadence's first race but she's also been having good showings!

From Sims 3And while she's more or less retired and a pleasure rider, now, Honeypie still has some kick in her to do cross country runs once and a while!

From Sims 3
The new little darling of the family seems to have endeared himself to everyone.
Elysium's sweet and Obedient but he Hates Jumping. Nevertheless, Cadence is taken by him, right away. The little mare nuzzles and nurtures him as a colt.

From Sims 3
Tosca even does her part in helping to nurse the little calico foal since having two fathers makes... some things a little difficult. (Well okay the fact he CAME from two fathers is difficult as is....)

From Sims 3He makes his ghost father proud!

From Sims 3
there are growing pains, however... Tosca's a bit rebellious. "NAVE! I told you that these plates are dirty! Hey! Servent!".
"Tosca, hon, would you please not stand on the chair?"

From Sims 3
"I am a mighty queen! Queens don't sit down!"
"They do when they're about to fall on their ass! Sit!"

From Sims 3
"Servents! Where's my food!? This food isn't fit for man nor beast!"
"Ya know, kiddo, there's a perfectly good plate of food right next t... oh fine.. I'll eat it! Goopy Garbonera!?"
MEW! "I'll eat it too!" Baxtor of course also sees fine food on Nex's plate and looks for oppurtunities!

From Sims 3"Thouset can not get good helpeth in this castle!! This scepter stands for food that is not green and spoily!"
"Tal really outdid himself tonight.... Sure you don't want any, kiddo?"
"PEASANTS! My plate is smoking with green waste!"
"Guess not..."

From Sims 3
Baxtor sees oppurtunities everywhere. YOOOOOWL! "Sooooo starving!"

From Sims 3We clearly see just which human is Baxtor's.

From Sims 3
Tosca's not always a little brat, however. She does her homework without asking... having a bit of booze while she hits the books, apparently? (It's Nectar... REALLY... it's not booze!)

From Sims 3
Soon it's birthday time at Timewalk Stables. Our little calico boy springs into sparkly birth amidst the trophies and random lawn-gnome horses!

From Sims 3
Nex and Spirit Dancer are the only ones to witness the event! Nexrad of course is giddy as Hell!

From Sims 3
And immediately hops on the young stallion to take him out on his first training ride!  More horsey lawn gnomes litter the ground around him.

From Sims 3Elysium handles nicely. That gentle, obedient nature is ideal for Nexrad's lower skill in riding!

From Sims 3
Cadence is of course surprised to see the handsome stallion as an adult now. They settle into smalltalk, discussing conspiracies about evil overlordhamsters and ants!

From Sims 3
And in true equine nature, it's time to flirt with the dashing young Gypsy Calico!

From Sims 3
"Come play! come play! come play! Woohoo? Play!? Play? Woohoo!! Whiiinney! whinney!"
"...but...I'm.... hungry!....."
I'm sure she'll introduce him to her winsome ways...

From Sims 3Not only is it Elysium's birthday but Tosca's! She's growing up with the little colt!

From Sims 3Tal shows Tosca how much he loves his little girl with a gift.
"Oooh! I bet it's super solar powers!"
"Well.. um.. not quite."
"You harnessed sunbeams?"
'Um.... no?"
"It's sunglasses?"

From Sims 3

From Sims 3
And in a sprinkle of sparkles, she too grows up!

From Sims 3In the past Tal and Nex have had other kids in prior iterations of them. Tosca's had to have been the most interesting blend of their features, though.

Her traits are Genius, Perceptive, Mooch and Friendly

No sooner than she hits puberty, though, her parents head out on... an... ADULT vacation! (Bow chicka bow wow!) A much needed break from work to.... well woohoo?

This is your chance for freedom, Tosca!! Live it up! She does JUST that.. she rebels! she ventures! She...

From Sims 3brushes out Elysium...

From Sims 3
Saddles him up.... and awkwardly clambors up onto his back... (Wow, you're really ridin' the wild highway, kid!)
Even your imaginary friend is disgusted with your lack of rebelliousness.

From Sims 3She ventures out into the world.... daunted. Yep! That's definitely a daunted face!

From Sims 3Still.. she ventures on. Check out that beautiful riding form........

From Sims 3She stops long enough to indulge the inner Nerd-rebellion! "Look! Cute little turtle!"
Okay, picking up wild turtles... that's almost adventurous...

From Sims 3Okay you get more points for rebellion since it bites!

From Sims 3
And off into the hills Tosca rides! You can ALMOST hear some cowboy music echoing through the night... "Deeeeeesperaaaado........ why don't you come to your senses.... You've been out riiiiding fe..."

Uh.. woops..

From Sims 3The little Nerd-desperado's wild ride is immediately halted by.....

From Sims 3
THE LAW!....
Yep, definitely daunted....

From Sims 3
The fact she and Elysium've been desperadoing so hard they're attracting flies on top of it all doesn't help the matter. The cop does his best to deal with the issue at hand!

From Sims 3
Luckily for him, the police department of Apaloosa Springs comes equipped with the same handy, dandy teleport tech that they have in Paragon City! "He'll show rebellious, upstart little nerd-kids a thing or two!" Despite Elysium's protests, she's whisked off his back....

From Sims 3
and into the squad car.... Great. Don't you feel ashamed, Tosca? You're a criminal now! A villain!  No capes for you... a life of crime!
For what?
Being out past curfew!

From Sims 3Elysium, for the moment left on the streetside while the cop takes the hooligan home, hightails it home, following his partner in crime!

From Sims 3Once home, she tries her best to make up for her 'heinous crime!' by doing a few chores around the stable....

From Sims 3
Then snuggles all tucked up in her bed. An idea forms... NO more joy rides... next time, perhaps a nice, mellow teen party?

From Sims 3
At least there'd be less saddle sores and handcuffs... and apparently that cop was a vampire, too which really adds to that 'hunted by the law' sense!

From Sims 3
And after all of that..... her turtle decides to roam free out into the world....
Yes, indeed, Teenaged karma IS a bitch...

A few random screenshots...

From Sims 3Tal and Spirit Dancer having a quiet moonlight interlude after an exhausting ride...

From Sims 3
LOOOOOOOK! Snooooow! I can haz seasons! (Well no, not really.. but Fog Emitters are a lot of fun to play with!)

From Sims 3Random train encounter!

From Sims 3
Yeah Fog Emitters're cool! M'kay!

(This is the same object I used to make the fish swim around in Tal and Nexrad's fishtank pool.)

and finally...
Best. Trait. Ever!

From Sims 3
This trait is brought to you by Awesomemod, apparently! I don't use that mod any more but I had a Sim that wound up with this trait, once and thought this was hilarious!

taliesen riftborn, sims 3

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