Wicked Legacy 1.2 [Sims 2 Reposts]

Apr 19, 2011 18:12

First I must apologize for this update. I had just upgraded my Sims to DVD versions of the set and the blinking thing reset all my screencaps to default. I had forgotten about that pain in the arsed feature. So the quality of the images is not up to part. :(

Also, this is a repost from my primary LJ. I'll try to repost two a day so as not to spam your lists, TOO much. But this is a better spot for this legacy, anyways.

Poptarts give energy, right?

When last we left our intrepid heroine, she was beginning to get the sense that romance was simply going to pass her by. Immersing herself into the motherhood and companionship of little fuzzy friends, she pours her heart out to Winkie. (Because for some reason Womrats seem to be the best listeners!)
"You know Winkie, sometimes I think I'm just never going to find a guy... I think I put the hopeless in hopeless romantic!"
Winkie: *subliminal squeak - call your friend from College - subliminal squeak*
"You know Winkie? I think I should call that guy I was getting to know from College, Andresej, wasn't it?"
Winkie: *squeak* If I could facepalm... I'd be doing it right now. Curses my short limbs!

Before she calls him, she decides to head out and find some new threads and do a little shopping with Dotty.

And a little coffee at the local coffee shop..
Cashier: It ain't easy being green....

Elle of course spots yet another green compatriot! She's beginning to like this particular neighborhood. 
Elle: A lot of non-Troll green people. I wonder why?
Green Cashier: *sulks* I could have been a contender!

Elle decides to introduce herself, a hopeful! Maybe a kindred soul?
Nope... He apparently has a crush on her best friend, Jade, too.
Does EVERYONE want him in this town?
Sorry honey, Jade has genetics of awesome. He's the child of Sort-of-Time Lord Nex and Taliesen. It just makes him genetically irresistible to everyone of the male gender.... (and apparently the female gender, too)
note: Taliesen's nickname for Nexrad in City of Heroes is 'sort of Time Lord' because he's a professional time traveller and Tal fans it up, deeply, for Dr. Who.

The conversation goes downhill from there.... Elle doesn't want to hear it, at this point....

Elle's conflict with trying to find the right guy is not the only trouble going on. It seems that Dotty is ALSO causing upset.... Elle cheers Dotty on.  Wow, no pacifism in this muse. Nope. Not one bit!

Dotty gets her little fuzzy butt kicked by the oldest Schipperke in the neighborhood. It doesn't get much more humiliating than this!

Elle offers Dotty some comfort and consolation. "You'll get her next time, Dotty!"

Karma, it seems, has a sense of humor. No sooner than Elle turns her back to console her little dog but the green cashier that rejected her gets his pocket picked!

She moves on to the next shop and meets up with another music lover.
Music Loving Hippie: You know there's this old song out there! It totally says, dig this! "The greatest thing you'll ever learn..."

Elle: Is just to love?

Music Loving Hippie: Dig!! And be loved in return! You know that song! Cool! You're groovy! Are you single?

Elle: ......

Meanwhile Dotty tests prospects for her mommy!
*Sniff sniff* You don't smell like Cabbage and Superadine! You'll do!

*Gleeful bark* YAY! you play fetch too! Score two for the blonde cutie!

Elle meets up with him and immediately expounds on one of her two greatest interests... Gaming!

And gets a snub face from the cute blonde.

*Facepalms* Sooo oo ooo tired.... Finding love is hard work.....

Upon her arrival home, she is shocked to discover that not only is your house at risk to be stolen if you leave it out in the open... It's also at risk to be vandalized!
Elle: "What the Hell!? Where did all this red come from!? Someone painted my house red!? Did the town move in my front door while I wasn't looking?"

Well it's not a bad color, hon.
Elle: "My... beloved... pink.... *sob*"
Well hopefully we can get this cleaned up soon enough. (read: in a week)

The stress of the day is apparently more than she can bear.... (Doc Holiday)
She falls unconscious in her own, overly reddified kitchen.

An attempt to get in her PJs then eat some pancakes fails, too. She falls unconscious in her pancakes.

Only to be awakened by a concerned (or evil?) womrat!

Winkie: *Squeak* For the love of any and all Gods and Spaghetti monsters and spooky old ones, CALL Andresej and end this foolishness or I will ruin you!

The threat in the womrat's eyes or perhaps a desire to just find SOMEONE, anyone compels Elle to phone the boy.

She prepares for his arrival by brushing her teeth! Minty fresh moodlets of joy!

Elle: Andresej! I haven't seen you in so looooooong *SMOOCH*
Andresej: *Serious WHISKEY .... Tango!... FOXTROT FACE*

Andresej: Uh... hiya Elle... uh.. gee.. it's great to see you too..... *mutter* I think...

He immediately breaks into talking to her about their long gaming nights at the Dorm.

Ahhh the memories!! A kindred soul is found?

Elle thinks so!

Dotty: *GRRRRRRRR BITE!*I don't like you!!!!!
This should have been my first clue when Dotty bites him.

Elle, unfortunately, naive and sweet and longing for romance doesn't heed the warning of her faithful little dog and uh...moves REALLY fast! (ACR is VERY casual and automatic... *nods sagely*)

She lays awake for a bit with that big, cheery "I got laid!" Face!

Andresej gives her a big smooch of good night before heading home.

Elle at this point begins to wonder...

Or maybe it's just that stinky odor about him..

Elle: Winkie! I got some! He's so wonderful! I'm so happy!

Winkie: *indignant squeak* Someone please get me out of this house. Look at her! She's a buffoon!

Jade pays Elle a visit and gives her a big hug.
Jade: "Are you taking care of yourself, hon?"
Elle: *sniffles* I met a nice guy... it was a guy I liked back in college...

She invites Jade in for Spaghetti dinner and.
Elle: "I think I want to fight crime! You know, like the rest of the heroes here."
Jade gives her a look of concern, the random decision does bring some questions with it.

Jade: Are you aware of just how dangerous that is? You know what my folks go through trying to deal with the time meddlers? You SURE about this, hon?
Elle: I just.. I'd like to help people too, like my dad does.

As Elle and Jade talk, a friend of hers from her temporary job at the science lab comes. This is Richard Phineas. She adores him but nothing attraction wise. (No bolts at all)

As does Jade.
Jade: Pooky bear thinks you should get a job working in the government office.....*Internal monologue* And that you should introduce me to that hot little Steampunk Angel you brought home.

Jade: "So you're an Angel of Steampunk? How... does that work?" He finds himself enthralled by Richard, completely. Hearts galore!
Elle: "Would you two keep it down. I'm trying to sleep!"
Richard: Well I bless the inspiration of robotic technology and inspire invention and science!! SCIENCE!!!

Elle: *mutter grumble* Go HOME! Science needs a rest!
Richard: AHHH! You can't even begin to imagine the wonders of brass and wood and glass and steam! Science is the future!!!
Elle: *snort... snore* Science can go home, now...

Next afternoon, another old friend from school passes through. Tali ofcourse is also concerned for her.

And one thing leads to another and they find themselves... uh, well, mutually annoyed and regretting their impulses. (ACR is occasionally a little TOO Casual)

Regretting their impulses, they return to their friendly conversation of ice cream impulses, instead. Trying to resolve that this never happened!

Andresej pays a visit in the interim and well, Elle being stirred up a little greets him happily. THIS time, he's much more receptive of this.

Eh hem.... yeah

Meanwhile, Dotty has other ideas.
Dotty: *Snore, growl, snore* I don't like you.. TRIP and make your fall ... down the stairs complete.
She tries to sabotage him by cornering him in the room.
Dotty: *Grrr snore* Maybe he'll starve to death. Maybe Tali will come back and rescue her?

Another morning passes, Elle's week of red is nearly complete. Things may or may not be looking up. She does, however, finally meet a neighbor in her apartment that has been keeping some very.... odd hours....
John: "You know you remind me a little of Elphaba from that Wicked story.
Elle's heard it all before. Nevertheless, the conversation goes on.

John has a fondness of music....

And quietly listens to her droning on about games, occasionally asking a pointed question about just what it is she's doing.

Elle finds herself just a little attracted to this fellow.  Saying their goodbyes for the afternoon, she heads home.

.... and finds herself with an uncontrollable craving for chips.....

A fitful night of slumber follows. Dotty, wonder Corgi that she is, keeps a vigilant watch....

legacy challenges, wicked legacy, elle le'sair, sims 2

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