Boot to the head!

Oct 28, 2009 20:52

All riiiiiight, so I got kicked in the face at Tae Kwon Do today and had to get seven stitches in my chin! The whole experience has been absolutely fantastic. I will take pictures tomorrow, once I can remove the bandages.

In the meantime, please give this a listen. It is very appropriate.

*EDIT* what the heck, this bandage is falling off anyways, here are some pictures!

From the front I look pretty normal. Tired, but not terribly injured.

Hey there! That's a nice looking injury! It was much larger earlier, but the stitches saw to that.

Blurry close up shot. Can you count all seven stitches? Because I can't.

Lessons I have learned:
- University Health Services is technically open until 6, but stops taking patients at 5:30. Do NOT show up at 5:35 if you want to be treated.
- If your sparring partner says you're bleeding, believe them.
- "Urgent" medical care is 20% paperwork, 75% sitting in reception rooms, and 5% actual treatment.
- The little needle full of anesthetic is your very best friend.
- Do not assume your sparring partner has more self-control than you just because they are a black belt.

I am also suffering from a bevy of other TKD-related injuries, mostly heavy bruising on my arms and legs and a very stiff and achy left hand. Time to bake some "I feel sorry for myself so I'm baking a delicious pizza" pizza.

tkd, injury

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