Long time ago, back when drive-in theaters were a thing, Delaware had some. Ten or twelve, I think. After the era came and went, there was one left. Someone operated the business for the original onwer for 14 years, leasing his land to run the theater on. But when the original owner died, the land went to his kids, who wanted to sell it. They doubled the lease, and would not negotiate, because they thought they could sell the land for a bit over a million dollars. So the theater closed in December 2008. I only had a chance to watch a film at this theater once before it closed. It was my first drive-in experinece...
...and it was magical.
At the time, I'd wished there was something I could do to to save it. But there wasn't. Everyone tried. A few days ago I'd wished Kickstarter or IndieGoGo had existed back then... and then I thought... I could still save it. Bring it back. The land never sold. The screen just sits there, as does the ticket office and the concession stand too, I think.
After a decent amount of research, I managed to track down the original operator of the theater (the one forced off of the land).
He recently purchased a theater in Skowhegan, Maine. I'm happy for him! He gets to keep doing what he loved. But that means if the land were to be purchased again, then the responsibility would fall on me. Crazily enough, I'm not entirely opposed to that.
This is a work in progress. I hope to get in contact with the old operator soon for any information I can get. I don't want him to get involved, I just need somewhere to start.
Would this be difficult? Yes.
Impossible? No.