Crunch Time

Jul 08, 2012 17:11

Home form work until sometime next week. The next two days will be spent:

- shipping things I sold
- packing the last of my stuff
- doing as much digital illustrating as possible
- packing and preparing for Comic-Con
- moving
- going to Comic-Con

My mom, sister and one of my two brothers won't be here to help Sam and I move. My great uncle (my mom's dad's brother) passed away last Friday, and his funeral is being held in South Carolina on Wednesday. My mom's going down on Tuesday to support her dad and such. I hope he's well. It's only him and his sister left now. One of his sisters passed a few years ago at age 87-ish after suffering from dementia. And his other two sisters (along with his brother-in-law and nephew) were killed in a drunk driving accident back in the 80s. I'd go to the funeral if I didn't have to go to San Diego, even though I don't ever remember meeting my great uncle.

Busy busy busy. I'll do my best to not stress out these next two days. It'll be hard, but I'll be fine. I hope.

Wish me luck.


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