djinni gave me seven words to write things about a couple days ago. I finally made a point of writing the entry. Whee!
Mask I do a lot of work with masks. Mascot masks! Or fursuits. I've kind of been differentiating between the two lately. Masks are fun to make and fun to wear. You get to play pretend for a while and I like that. =] I also want to experiement with latex prosthetics for my own personal use one day. They're like masks without completely being masks.
Music These days I mostly listen to techno-type dancey music. That's mainly what I like. But I appreciate almost all types of music. Not Lil' Wayne-style rap or dubstep or screamo, though. Bleh. Music is nice to listen to and creative to produce. I played the clarinet for seven years in school, and still pick it up from time to time. It's like riding a bicycle, you never completely forget how to do it. I can't call myself a music afficionado or anything, but I do enjoy it very much.
Spring I'm glad it's spring. Winter blows. I wish it weren't so dang hot, though. My favorite part about spring is watchign our cherry blossom tree bloom and starting up the vegetable garden again. I also enjoy the smell of fresh-cut grass and mulch. That's something I'm going to miss when I move to the city.
Lunch My days usually start around 9am (when I wake up) so I usually don't eat lunch until around 2 o' clock. I fix things like soups and sandwiches and bean burittos for Sam and I. He really appreciates it, which I also appreciate. I try to make the best of my lunch break by eating and not thinking of anything. A real clean break from work, y'know?
Rabbit I've been doing a lot of work with rabbits lately! Mr.
rapidtrabbit and I have been doing a lot of co-producing and things like that for the past... year? Year and a half maybe? I don't remember completely. Doing production for television is a lot of work, but it's something I really want to get into. It's part of my life goal! In other rabbit-related news I do live with a Dutch rabbit named Little Rianne (but I usually call her Bunny). She's kind of a bitch and I seem to be allergic to her but I keep her around anyway.
Present I'm going to interpret this word as meaning the point in time right now. Living for the present is something I do within reason. If I always live for now, I may not have properely planned my later. At the present, I'm relatively happy with how things are going for me. I'm in a bit of a rough patch, as I tore my workshop apart to do renovations and make it look nice, leaving me with little useable work space. But I know I'll be even happier to work down there when it's done <3
Luck I don't really believe in luck. Chance, yes. But not luck. Like, if you do certain things you have better chances of acheiving certain goals. But there are no such things as good luck charms in my opinion. Does that mean I'll walk under ladders? Hell no.
If you want seven words to write about let me know and I'll spit 'em out at ya.