Me writing an entry just to be writing an entry

Mar 05, 2012 00:00

My gig with Mr. rapidtrabbit on the USS Intrepid went well! You can read his recap of the event here: Travel travel travel. I traveled to NYC twice last month. Next week I'll be traveling to Atlanta for FWA. Next month I'll be traveling to Ocean City, NJ for the DooDah parade. Then I get to stay put for a while. =]
Things are going well for me so far. Getting a lot of work projects done, business is good. I'm also trying to make time for art. Not just the things I owe people, but things of my own. I still want to be a webcomic artist but it takes a lot of time and effort. It's not necessarily that I don't have the time, it's just that I don't maximize it, or something like that.

Sam and I are doing well as usual. We've finally found an affordable and pet-friendly and not-in-a-shithole apartment complex to move to. We just need to secure steady income (and save a bit of money) to make sure we can afford it. It's not far away, so I can come back to my parents place to work on costumes easily. I plan on keeping my workshop in their basement, it would make the apartment cramped! So things are good on that end. I hope to move by the end of the summer.

Not sure what else to tell you, really. I gained 8 pounds and am still trying to lose them and I feel sleepy more often than I should. Blah blah blah.

I think that's it.

rtr, travel, life, relationship

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