Remembering Things

Aug 28, 2010 17:43

 I dunno. I'm getting ready to go to a larp game tonight and was thinking to myself "I should update my LJ!"

But I have no idea what to update it with. Today's writer's block doesn't really interest me all that much. I don't like forcing myself to remember stuff, it doesn't work. x__x

Oh! I know.

A couple weeks ago my little brother (he's 12) and I watched this little bump on Nick Jr. It was basically a mom reading her son an African folk tale for a bedtime story. That reminded me that I too had once written a folk tale as a school assignment. In third grade, in fact, Or maybe fourth, I don't remember. I remembered it was about where giraffe's come from. And there was this deer that was an arrogant jerk and challenged everyone to feats of stuff, but then cheated when he was losing. He somehow got his head stuck between some rocks and got all stretched out when an elephant pulled him to set him free. Thus he became a giraffe.

But I couldn't remember exactly how it went! I tried really hard to remember the character names, but I couldn't. And then I tried to remember who the other animals were and what he challenged them to. But I couldn't remember that either! GRRRR I was so frustrated! It was such a good story, too. T__T

But what I did remember was that I had typed it, meaning I had to have the document somewhere. We don't really delete written documents from our comps. But it wasn't on our current computer, we didn't have it back then. I knew that. But then I remembered that we used to have a Compaq. And that Compaq has been sitting in our basement collecting dust for years. Yes! Maybe it was on there! But then I unfortunately remembered that the shitty thing was all buggy because it was running on Windows Millennium Edition (thanks a lot, Bill Gates).

But THEN I remembered that you can easily recover stuff from a hard drive! Or at least, I thought you could. I didn't know how to do it. =[ But then I remembered that furries are nothing but techie people, and I consulted the help of my wonderful friends. Long story short, it worked!

After a bit of browsing I indeed found the notorious giraffe story I had written. I plan on rewriting it and illustrating it eventually. So happy! <3 As an added bonus I found a few photos of us when we were younger. My mom's gonna love to see those.

And that ends my story about remembering things and document recovery. Hope you had fun reading it, haha!

technology, writing

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