Everyone Else Has Had More Con Than Me

May 31, 2010 22:50

Does anyone else get that feeling?

But yeah, I'm not bummed about missing FA United. Because I get to go to Comic-Con in two months! In your FACE losers!

... ahem...

Instead of going to FAU I saved my monies and stayed at home. While at home I got loads of fursuit stuff done. LOADS OF IT. I finished half a bodysuit (literally), finished refurbing a husky head, got a unicorn head 95% done (ran out of fur, waiting for more), and did some other things. I also cleaned up my shop quite a bit, which mostly consisted of sweeping and vacuuming. The combination of a dusty basement and cutting fur isn't a very good combination at all. XD

On Sunday we had a pre-memorial day cookout, as my dad had to work today. To be honest, I more or less hate barbeque foods, but the side dishes are great! I love corn on the cob so much. My siblings played with water balloons out in the yard, but I stayed to the side as I absolutely hate getting wet. Lighning (my dog) had some fun in the sun, too. I wish we had a fence or a dog trolley so he could run more freely around the yard. But it's on a leash for now.

I also spent a half-hour of my Sunday watching the stream of rapidtrabbit 's tv show "Rapid T. Rabbit & Friends," which I find delightfully charming. I drew a whole page of RTR sketches not long after. He's such a simple and fun character! Kind of wish I'd gone to FAU if only for his live pawpet show. Will have to upload and show those sketches to you guys later. Come to think of it, why don't I post any art here? I probably should.

On the topic of art, I also started coloring my half of an art trade. Here's the half I received. I love it! <3 My half has been drawn and inked for a while now. Originally I was going to color it with markers, but I wanted to experiment with watercolor pencils instead. They're pretty neat to work with! It'll be a while before I'm proficient with them, I'm sure, but I'm happy with how it's coming out so far. Hopefully I'll have it done by the end of the week!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a sleeping Sam on my couch who needs to be relocated to a guest bed. And then I need to sleep, as I have an ortho appointment in the morning. Stupid broken retaining wire...

Night, everyone! Have a happy Tuesday! =D

art, holiday, entertainment, productivity, conventions

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