Ah... PETA... as if everyone didn't already think you were all nut jobs...

Jan 24, 2007 20:02

So... when PETA kills animals they're saving them from a cruel and uncaring world but when the humane society or a vet does it its cruelty? When someone engages on that level of hypocrisy they lose all right to judge the morality of others actions. So next time you see them ranting about the evils of the meat industry, or throwing paint at people wearing fur, just remember how many animals they 'save' with death. To put this in perspective, it would be like those charities saving those poor and starving children they like to parade on tv late at night by putting a bullet in their head. "Hey, its not murder, is salvation! They're not hungry anymore!" Meh, this is why I never trust 'activists' of any kind. They're ALL insane.
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