Apr 19, 2006 12:37
Wow, has it really been two months since I updated this last? Time flies I guess. I wish I could say everything was perfect right now and I'm totally over everything after this lapse in time... unfortunately its not really true. I am better, and things are going better, but its still a bit rough going at times. I took a month off work (unpaid :P )to sort out my problems, and the time to myself has helped a lot. I'm going to be applying for a medical withdrawl from my classes this semester, and I'll hopefully get it. Things were majorly fucked this semester. I look forward to being able to do things right next semester. In other news, my roommate and I might have to move due to some complications that have come up. I'm not really looking forward to all the work involved with that, but I'm glad he agreed to get an apartment with me. I can't afford rent on my own with what I make at walmart and he's a really great guy to have as a roommate.