Oct 11, 2007 22:26
...is one talented, opinionated, and intellectual guy. Tonight was a very special experience for me, especially at the stage in my life I happen to be at right now (aka: feeling completely lost and wondering how I'll ever achieve what others already have). I won't go into all the boring details for those of you who aren't as film-geeky as your friend Jackie, but he covered some interesting and controversial issues pertaining to film as well as our country in general. A major theme of the night was the importance of people being willing to leave behind the "popcorn" films and take a chance on making films that mean something. It was also really awesome to finally hear him talk about films he's made and why/how he did it. They showed clips of a few, but one that will always stick out to me is the one from Platoon, because he said that the ambush scene with Charlie Sheen's troop is something he actually experienced while in Vietnam. It was also quite the sight to see someone with so much obviously going on beneath the surface try to be part of a very structured situation outside their realm of expertise. He was very articulate, but not without a few moments demanding his full attention to recall each bit of information he wanted to share.
The only thing I would change about the evening (other than wanting to meet him and not, of course) is that it would've been really nice to share it with someone who would appreciate it the way that I do, or at least appreciate what it meant to me to be able to be there.
Overall, however, it was such a great night because it gave me SO much to think about. It made my dream seem closer and further all at the same time. It's without a doubt going to be a very long and interesting ride.