my life as represented by a job in retail

Aug 20, 2007 21:55

Sitting at work on Friday, bored with no customers, I came to a realization. My recent experience with relationships is like trying and failing to make that sale of a $1200 Navajo bracelet (or other such pieces). It goes as follows:
~Person walks in, sees something they like
~Person asks to hear more about said piece
~Person vocalizes their further enjoyment after learning more about said piece
~Without further explanation, person suddenly decides it's not what they want
~Person leaves on a search to find something "better" (which usually ends up being cheaper)

Does this make me bitter? Do I care? At least I'm learning.

On a separate note, SC was good for me the past couple of days. I got to see an otter that I'd been missing dearly and itching to see again. Good times learning to play on the shuffleboard thingy at 007 was had by all... speaking of, we should do that again! I also learned that getting burned by those surprised by my appearance brings out all the hurt I've been suppressing... and that while it doesn't erase those cuts, the willingness of someone I barely know taking time from their break to talk to me about vampires makes me feel a whole lot better about myself. It's nice to finally relax and unwind by having some fun with people I love, but it also feels great to take with me the advantages of the situations that attempt, but do not succeed in stifling happier times. Basically, whenever fun wasn't being had, I was learning valuable lessons proving that I'm not the one who ruins everything (however this is NOT to say I'm always innocent), and that I am "attractive" enough to some to put time into short, but memorable conversations.
Most of all though, to address one personally: I've found that no matter what shit anyone gives me for the closeness of my friendship with you, for whatever their reason, it simply forces me to remember why on more than an everyday level. You're me, I'm you, we are ALWAYS there for each other, and when we're together there's nothing/no one we can't face.
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