Jan 17, 2007 11:31
I hate school. I hate being down. I hate being bored while feeling apathetic, so that after finishing my new book, instead of hopping up and doing something, I lay in the floor for about two hours watching someone else play a video game.
And I hate saying, "Don't let me sleep later than six!" and waking up on my own at 11:30 to "Well, I tried to get you up, so we could get food. But I didn't try that hard." Because then I stay up all night and go to class at 9 and get stuck on campus until 2:15, when I'll have to run home and change and go to the hospital so I can get my patient information so I can then spend the entire night doing drug cards and patho and everything else that nurses don't actually ever DO! ARGH!
I. hate. this.
And I know me. This mood will hang around, due to a busy school schedule and work, until I wake up Friday afternoon. (clinicals Thursday from 7:15AM-12:45PM plus work from 7P-7A. argh.) And then return Monday (which, thanks to work, will be pretty much exactly like today. Minus one hour of sleep.) But oh well. I mean, what can you do? School. I hate school..
And it's only the second week back. Second fucking week back, and I'm already moody, depressed, and exhausted.
School. Argh.