More pics!!!

Oct 02, 2006 16:58

Now I've finally got some more free time, so the next round of China pics can go up, hurrah! The first month of senior year is done now, and it was fun but tough, especially since last Friday there were two econ problem sets due and also Japanese and Chinese vocab quizzes!! Luckily there shouldn't be too many days like that, but midterm exams are coming soon, so I guess anything could happen.

Now the fun stuff! Intramural soccer has been great and not too competitive; our last game was against a mix of guys and girls from the guys' and girls' ultimate frisbee teams, and also some of their French friends; we got trounced 8-0 but that was definitely the best 8-0 loss ever ;-P And even more fun than that, yesterday I went to Cirque du Soleil for the first time; I knew it would be pretty cool, but it was even cooler than that! Wow! I would go back again and see more in a flash :-)

I'd also go back and see China in a flash, too, and here are some reasons why!

One of my roommate's classmates :-) We all hung out together and went dancing one weekend in Huzhou, which is near where my roommate lives.

Another classmate; they were both really nice!

Eating lunch! Really good and really spicy!

On a bus in Hangzhou :-)

Outside the Silk Museum!

Also near the Silk Museum; there were so many great places to walk here!

The statue in front of the museum, which is the biggest silk museum in the world!

This is the museum atrium that you see as soon as you go in. And since it's a national museum it's free entry for all!

Here is some cool silk embroidery :-D

I think this might be Qin Huang Di, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty

A giant silkworm cocoon!

Standing in the middle of the atrium and looking up :-)

Various creatures that show up on many silken things :-)

This one's particularly spectacular!

This goes with the pictures above and below.


I wanted these sooo much!


Silk-carrying camels on the Silk Road!

Some mini-emperors/court people!

More amazing clothing!


I think if I had to pick a favorite it'd be this one.

Although this is wonderful too!


Necklaces, hats, and more!

A silk loom!

This is a printing block for making some of the patterns :-)

The walkway connecting one part of the museum to the other; it was a lot like something from Myst or Riven!

Taken from the walkway looking outside the museum :-)

Without them there'd be no silk!

Feeding a hungry silkworm; he likes it but is still hungry!

That is a big mulberry.

A re-construction of a house and silk loom!

Mulberry wine!

Back at the West Lake again!

These were carved everywhere on the path by the lake . . . so pretty!

A very nice grandma and granddaughter from Jiangsu (in NE China) :-)

A great spot for a rest after so much walking around!

Spots like this next to the lake were sooo pretty . . . I even almost forgot to be hot!

Perfect for getting a real close-up view of the lake!

More pretty stepping-stones :-)

This is what it looked like walking next to the lake . . .

A really sweet girl and her mom up from Sichuan (SW China); I shared some snack with them (like lychee flavored jello) and shared stories about our travels :-) And all in Chinese! (by this time in the summer I was starting to get pretty good)

There I am!

Here she is with her dad and uncle! :-)

Here's where we were; the woods of the city people (I think)

The park at night!

Back at last to ZUT's front gate! It was a long day but one of the most fun! Being out on my own led to some of the coolest things happening, like meeting folks I wouldn't have otherwise!

The 魚香茄子 (Chinese eggplant with pork and various other vegetables) that I made in cooking class! Don't worry, I wrote down all the ingredients and mostly remember how to make it ;-)

In the process of being made . . . that flame was intense!

Here they are! One is my dish and the other is 麻辣豆腐 (a spicy tofu dish) made by my classmate :-)


Fried chicken!

A weird, cute, and delicious ice cream bar! It was shaped like a foot; the outer part was white and vanilla flavored, while the sole of the foot was brown and chocolate flavored :-D

Some vanilla wafers with some great Engrish (though here it's called Chinglish)

That's the good stuff!

A picture of the river that cuts through the middle of our campus :-)

The basketball courts . . . I visited here many times!

Next to the soccer fields.

An elementary school playground!

Also from the elementary school :-)

On campus at night!

Some fun new vocab words!

A type of marker made by Melon Boy (who says "I feel lucky to have met you")

I don't remember this dish's name offhand but it's very easy to make; tofu, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and bok choy!

Caramelized potatoes: so sweet, so crunchy, so chewy, and so good!!

A particularly good ingredient picture!

More delicious Chinglish!

This is what a typical Chinese Table looked like (every Thursday night I went out with classmates and teachers to a fancy Hangzhou restaurant)

Yummy stuff from the Chinese supermarket!

The countryside! This was taken from the bus on the way to the Nanji Islands.

Passing through town!

Here are some nice terraced fields (helps make it easier to grow stuff on hills)

姜樂奇 havin' a nap! :-)

At a rest area :-)

These were good; kinda like mini chocolate croissants :-)

Almost there! It was a little weird to see a big city after being in the country for a few hours.

Here's a closer look at Ruian :-)

:-D This was near our hotel

Across the street from the hotel; looking good!

孟老師 in the hotel lobby!

Another look; this was the fanciest hotel I stayed in all summer!

Sounds good to me!

The city from my hotel room :-)

And the lot out front!

The dining hall, which was AWESOME

Here we are!

Roommate+neighbors :-)

Dinner's here!

My teacher 武老師

This is where we did our skits for the oral part of the midterm exam . . . most fun oral exam ever!!!

Here it is!

Here's our hotel, so I can remember if/when it's time to come back!

We went swimming here at night after the presentations, and it was fantastic!

Ruian is a very pretty city!

The restaurant on the 23rd floor where we had buffet breakfast!

That was some good breakfast . . .

She was awesome! :-)

Don't know what these are, but they're tasty!

My next door neighbor 齊安儒 (on the right) and his roomie :-)

A last look before heading out!

Cute car!

In 東源 village

Some of the prints that were made using wood blocks with characters carved in them :-)

Here are all the woodblock characters used for printing!

Here we are making some prints of our own!

A very pretty railing!

Not sure what this is, but I liked it!

It seemed like almost everything was under construction in China . . .

Here's a church!

The main entrance of the Flower and Stone Garden National Park. There was more good Chinglish, especially "Flying Waterfall from Outer Sky" and "Reforming Yourself Pool" :-)

My teacher and also our tour guide!

A nice place to rest :-)

Guarding the path!

Our tour guide again :-)

Getting ready to swim!

The ceiling of the pagoda we stopped at to swim :-)

So refreshing!!!

With our other tour guide!

I was careful!

Our tour guides!!

One of the biggest pools . . . we didn't swim here but it looked amazing!

Me and 武老師!


Some of my next door neighbors!


Fresh from the pool!

A last look at the pagoda on our way out!

More great Chinglish!

Okay, that's all for now, but there's lot's more on the way!
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