Feb 06, 2005 21:43
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:15 PM]: ur pics are hot
ZzMASHzZ [8:15 PM]: isn't my baby cute! =)
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:15 PM]: sure
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:15 PM]: you're pretty
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:16 PM]: i'm funnynow
ZzMASHzZ [8:17 PM]: o?
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:17 PM]: i have friends
ZzMASHzZ [8:17 PM]: haven't you always had
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:18 PM]: nope just now
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:18 PM]: people like me now
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:29 PM]: this is why i make
new friends.everyonethat knew me just doesnt care
ZzMASHzZ [8:29 PM]: ok, you're added
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:33 PM]: thanks so much
ZzMASHzZ [8:34 PM]: ...you're so welcome
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:34 PM]: omfg!
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:34 PM]: so razy
ZzMASHzZ [8:35 PM]: + c
ZzMASHzZ [8:35 PM]: what?
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:35 PM]: so how are you
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:35 PM]: hows life
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:36 PM]: are you alive
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:36 PM]: or are you just breathing
ZzMASHzZ [8:36 PM]: just breathing
ZzMASHzZ [8:36 PM]: and you?
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:37 PM]: im alive but wounded
ZzMASHzZ [8:37 PM]: wounded how?
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:38 PM]: eh you dont care
ZzMASHzZ [8:38 PM]: you're such a terd
ZzMASHzZ [8:38 PM]: just tell me
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:39 PM]: i dont talk personally with
people i dont know unless im really really feeling
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:40 PM]: and you never talk to me
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:40 PM]: you're a hider of emotions
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:40 PM]: do you store them in jars
under your bed?
ZzMASHzZ [8:41 PM]: they're in an imaginary box
that i carry with me at all times...
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:41 PM]: nice
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:45 PM]: i can windmill so well
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:46 PM]: so why do you fear me
ZzMASHzZ [8:46 PM]: ?
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:46 PM]: is it cause you dont crush
on me or am i scary or do u justnot desire my
ZzMASHzZ [8:48 PM]: oh yes, i fear you so
much...because you have so many qualities that are
threatening to me...
ZzMASHzZ [8:48 PM]: truely
ZzMASHzZ [8:48 PM]: so many...
ZzMASHzZ [8:48 PM]: feel better?
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:48 PM]: im so nice now
ZzMASHzZ [8:48 PM]: not
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:48 PM]: i was like so little when u
met me
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:48 PM]: it hurts a lot
ZzMASHzZ [8:49 PM]: oh stop
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:49 PM]: fine whatever
ZzMASHzZ [8:50 PM]: so how are you wounded?
ZzMASHzZ [8:50 PM]: ok
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:50 PM]: you obviously dont care
how i feel anyway
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:50 PM]: if i talk you get all weirded
out. just tell me the truth. you cant hurt me.....that
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:53 PM]: hit enter
ZzMASHzZ [8:54 PM]: oh whatever, you're such a
whiney bitch. why can't you ever just talk to me,
and not be all stupid about shit? just fucking stop
talking to me if this is how every single conversation is
going to end. stop anticipating the moment in
which i feel bad for you. and you're not even
argueing about anything...you're just being
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:55 PM]: feel bad for me?]
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:55 PM]: this will take all my
energy not to tell you what i think now
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:56 PM]: i dont care how you feel or
any fucking thing. do whatever the fuck you want.
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:56 PM]: goodbye
ZzMASHzZ [8:56 PM]: ...ok..."poor me, you don't care
about my feelings, you're mean because you won't
talk about stupid shit, and it hurts my feelings"
ZzMASHzZ [8:57 PM]: ...that's not asking for pity
ZzMASHzZ [8:57 PM]: bye
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:57 PM]: i dont want your pity
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:57 PM]: because your pity is
empty like you
ZzMASHzZ [8:57 PM]: then stop acting like you
do...stop trying to make me feel bad
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:57 PM]: you're too scared to offer
how you feel
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:58 PM]: i dont want u to fucking
feel bad
ZzMASHzZ [8:58 PM]: as soon as conversation starts
going good, you always try to make me feel bad
about something!
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:58 PM]: i wanna know if you're my
friend or not
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:58 PM]: but i dont care any
fucking more
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:58 PM]: dont feel bad about shit
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:58 PM]: if i wanted to make you feel bad i'd hand you
a mirror
ICANREV1VEHIM [8:59 PM]: i always tried to be real with you
and you just fucking shrugged me off
because you were scared. i have been nothing but
kind unless i felt like i needed to be
otherwise because of the circumstances you
ZzMASHzZ [8:59 PM]: you're such a manipulative shit...
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:00 PM]: judge me
ZzMASHzZ [9:00 PM]: just like you judge everyone else
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:00 PM]: atleast i judge them on what they
do and not how i feel!
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:00 PM]: bitch
ZzMASHzZ [9:01 PM]: people aren't good enough for you, you
throw friends away like they were
nothing to begin with, then you
justify your actions with "they were
never really my friends"...then why'd
you use them!
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:01 PM]: i did not try to make you feel bad.i
did not ask for your pity. you
took what you wanted it and
turned it around.
ZzMASHzZ [9:01 PM]: it is what you do!
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:02 PM]: i asked for how we stood because
i dont have casual communications.i'm
not some drunk who is afraid of herself
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:02 PM]: quit telling me who the fuck i was.
ZzMASHzZ [9:02 PM]: i'm a drunk now
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:02 PM]: my friends have been here for years
and they are family.
ZzMASHzZ [9:03 PM]: well if you would stop reminding
me of who you were by constantly bringing
up the past...i might be able to see who
you are now.
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:03 PM]: you wanna know the truth about
those so called friends i just
threw out........you dont even
want to see how wrong you are
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:03 PM]: heres where i changed i dont
give a fuck if you see who i am now
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:04 PM]: my friends love me and i dont
give a shit how you feel about that
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:05 PM]: you can do whatever you want
with your life. it has nothing to
do with mine. i live positively. i
will strive on my own and succeed on
my own. if you stand or fallyou do it
seperately and it is of no concern to me
ZzMASHzZ [9:06 PM]: ?? and that matters in this argument why?
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:07 PM]: because you label me a leach who
strives only on the downfall of others
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:07 PM]: you're a nihilist and you speak to me
of morality....odd
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:09 PM]: its funny that i'm the one who is the asshole who judges when you dumped me because of some asshole off the
walljudgement you made of me
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:10 PM]: no your argument doesnt bother
me and i hope you have a great life.
i hope you do well.this argument is negative
and accomplishes nothing. and i am sorry i
participated in it. good luck jamie. best wishes.
ZzMASHzZ [9:10 PM]: well fine, we're both assholes...
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:13 PM]: bye
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:16 PM]: goodjob speaking up for yourself
though .is sara there?
ZzMASHzZ [9:17 PM]: you're such a terd!
ZzMASHzZ [9:17 PM]: no
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:17 PM]: her worthless throwdowns are
starting to wear off on you
ZzMASHzZ [9:18 PM]: that's fine, i enjoy them
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:18 PM]: where'd you get such a small chip
on your shoulder?
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:18 PM]: that like a dorrito or something?
ZzMASHzZ [9:19 PM]: do you ever stop!
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:19 PM]: pringles?
ZzMASHzZ [9:19 PM]: it's a fucking potato chip!
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:19 PM]: oh yeah you all make them
ZzMASHzZ [9:20 PM]: ...but not really.
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:20 PM]: i think you're the emo one!
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:20 PM]: you had me going for a minute
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:20 PM]: i'll give you the oscar darling
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:20 PM]: you're cute!
ZzMASHzZ [9:21 PM]: i'm what?
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:22 PM]: jamie, everyone hates me,i
have no friends , you broke my heart
like 3 years ago, i'm dying,pity me!
ZzMASHzZ [9:22 PM]: you're confusing.
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:23 PM]: yeah so dont fucking judge
something you dont understand
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:23 PM]: i just started iming again cause i
dont want there to be a problem
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:24 PM]: i dont want to be friends because you
dont want to let the past go but i dont
dislike you or care to hold a grudge
ZzMASHzZ [9:25 PM]: i'm not holding onto the past...i
try not to get into conversations YOU START
about the past...so that would mean, you're holding
onto it...
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:26 PM]: no im not holding on to it
ZzMASHzZ [9:26 PM]: i don't mention it, or bring it up...i
want to just let it go...but you keep bringing
it up
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:26 PM]: i dont know the past . it doesnt
exist to me
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:26 PM]: the only thing i brought up was the idea
that you were holding on to it!!!!!
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:26 PM]: listen i dont want to argue
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:27 PM]: just tell me that we arent enemies and i wont ever
talk to you again
ZzMASHzZ [9:27 PM]: then please...stop talking about it...stop
bringing up anything that has any association with
it...including feelings...and that's not because i
don't care...but i don't want to discuss it...ever.
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:28 PM]: just say you're not mad. i'll show you i changed
i wont ever talk to you again. i dont care if you
understand .
ZzMASHzZ [9:31 PM]: i don't understand this request. if i'm mad or not, why would it metter if you're not going to talk to me again...
i'm not mad
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:33 PM]: i dont want to be enemies. that
argument should not have happened i should have
just let you yell. i should not be concerned
with what you think and i had to fix that and
erase it and put us back at neutral.
ZzMASHzZ [9:33 PM]: ...ok...one thing...
ZzMASHzZ [9:33 PM]: when i'm mad, i won't argue...only
when i disagree...
ZzMASHzZ [9:34 PM]: i might block you...but i don't usually
argue when i'm truely mad.
ZzMASHzZ [9:36 PM]: ...are you going to send me that message...¿
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:36 PM]: jamie i have no pride,okay.i only
im'd you a year later because i liked
you as a person and i thought we might
be able to hang out. i was wrong. people
believe what they want and i am in
youreyes whoever you want me to be.
i dotn want to be the asshole in your
eyes anymore. i dont want to be anything
to someone who doesnt care.and you have
no reason to care so thats fine.we can
both walk away unchanged.
ZzMASHzZ [9:39 PM]: well, it's no use arguing that...
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:40 PM]: good
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:41 PM]: bye
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:44 PM]: its all gravy?
ZzMASHzZ [9:45 PM]: it's neutral
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:45 PM]: alright
ICANREV1VEHIM [9:45 PM]: bye
ZzMASHzZ [9:45 PM]: bye