A new beginning...

Sep 26, 2007 22:23

So the days seem shorter and the years fly by. It seems like not too long ago i was with Rob and living out on my own yet here i am in a whole new place. His name is Joe and he is my best friend, lover, room mate (thats right i moved in with him), my manager, and all around my balance. We act like a couple, talk like were married and he truly  is the first and last thing i think about everyday. He gives me the butterflies and makes me smile every five minutes. He is my confidant, and the one person i want to call family. 
 I live in Cortland now instead of Homer i moved out of my Mom's and into his home. He asked me to. I basically lived here before he asked me to. Things are so different now then what they were. No more partying every night. It's just close friends and me and him. Then when everyone leaves its just us. The way its going i dont know if i want things to change. We are NOT together but ya know what that works for me. I kiss him when i want to and he holds me when i need him to. Hes awesome. We have our fights and we get frustrated sometimes but other than that its smooth sailing. He is a cross between Rob and John, hard not to fall for him. That is why i did. He is a sports fanatic and a pot head but he is Joey Ooey. We are working on getting the house together and making it our own. Combining stuff and making things work. We got cable and internet and phone installed today and Monday we had our bed set delivered. We are cute.
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