(no subject)

May 01, 2006 19:32

(graceisdead.livejournal.com has been deleted. if you are graceisdead, you have a period of 30 days to undelete your journal. but please don't, because i really, really want that username. just having a fic journal doesn't cut it any more. in the meantime, don't mind me.)

Concerning the things I have not yet earned:
Scars, worlds, tattoos, I remain
Perpetually unmoved, call me a cynic,
But remember that Diogenes found true

Happiness at the bottom of an abandoned
bath tub...but let me be brief,
Foxholes are not my forte, nor talking
Business with clever fathers and wire-tongued

Associates, nor the heady conversation
Of socialites and cosmopolitans, and
Strangely enough, wining and dining
Redheads...but that’s a long story. Let me

Be brief, what we have stumbled upon
So cleanly, so soundly, I carry with me like
A talisman, stitched into the linings of
Jackets and old army boots or, in the

Throes of lonlier nights, like a wound
Tucked away under cauterized skin, I
Will bear it up bravely, oh yes, you could
Almost mistake me for something unafraid

Something soldierly - Listen, you know
I am not the type to shoulder a rifle,
Nor lick bullets and run field offensives;
I leave that to you, and sit in your wake,

Minding these maps of mine and
Trying to recall the way the small of your back
Dipped under rough, needy palms and...


God dammit.

Let me be brief; tin stars and jump
boots weighed with soft, rotten
earth mean little to me in light of
A thin, hard body curled next to mine.

Layered in the clean, hard sunlight of a few months that are,
Best forgotten, I suppose, amidst this fuckin’
Frozen ground.

(And because I was tagged and feel incredibly obliged)

Once you are tagged you MUST write a blog entry about your 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.

1. When I say something that I am afraid others will find stupid, I say it in a low voice and then pretend to study something far off in the distance as though the statement had slipped out without me noticing.

2. If I have nothing to say, I will stretch. Usually with my palms facing down, fingers braided, and shoulders up around my ears.

3. I really enjoy taking the top bead of my tongue barbell and rolling it back and forth between my lips, to create the illusion of an independent bead travelling from one corner of my closed mouth to the other. It never works, and people just think I'm being stupid.

4. If I'm very close to someone's face I get the urge to kiss them, regardless of whether or not I like them. Just to see what would happen.

5. I always have the urge to pick out patterns in floor tiles and walk them.

6. Sometimes I find myself locked in perpetual motion, as though the cessation of my movements would result in something absolutely dreadful. If ever you see me opening, flipping through, and closing my notebook with absolutely no pause in between, I'm in one of those moments.

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