Sex Buch Part Sechs

Aug 04, 2006 02:34

747) McBeckLa
748) Amandatorri
749) Tony and Gibbs in a wedding dress.
750) Gibbs hitting you upside the back of your head.
751) Stealing Ziva's pants
752) Tony DiNozzo shaving his hairy ass.
753) D-i-N-o-z-z-o
754) Abby+Duct Tape=Love
755) Bones/NCIS crossover
756) Stealing Abby's caffiene.
757) Drinking Caf-POW!
758) Being on a stake out with Tony DiNozzo.
759) Gibbs piercing Tony's ears.
760) Tony wearing a checkered shirt like Daniel.
761) Tony wearing Logan glasses.
762) Tony delievering Chinese food.
763) Connor Trinneer
764) Abby wearing glasses.
765) Tony speaking Spanish.
766) Tony speaking French.
767) Tony speaking German.
768) Tony speaking Italian.
769) Being in Michael Weatherly's pants.
770) Tony wearing an ascot.
771) Crop circles.
772) Tony + McGee having something in common.
773) Tony grabbing his crotch.
774) Kate in lingerie.
775) Kate beating up McGee.
776) Lesbian!Kate.
777) Tony boxing with Gibbs (and "letting him win").
778) Kate kicking McGee in the crotch.
779) Kate kicking Tony in the crotch.
780) Tobias the FBI man being like Maybourne the NID man.
781) Michael sandwich! (Being betwen Michael Shanks and Michael Weatherly)
782) Doing push-ups during sex.
783) Kate throwing a wash towel at Tony.
784) Gibbs putting a jump drive in his mouth.
785) Killer shop teacher.
786) ZNN
787) "Special order"
788) Spontaneous human combustion.
789) Paula/Tony
790) Tony/Gibbs
791) Kate/Tony
792) Kate/Gibbs
793) McGee/Abby
794) Abby/Kate
795) Gibbs kissing Abby.
796) Kate in a Catholic school girl uniform.
797) Zed-death-six
798) Abby talking to herself.
799) Tony looking up Kate's skirt.
800) Tony+Kate watching porn.
801) McGee telling someone to "stick it".
802) Spongebob McGee!dork
803) Gibbs MacGyvering a locked door + opening it.
804) Kate+Abby back massages!
805) Abby=Xena?
806) Gibbs saying "Ya Think?"
807) Mmm...pistachios.
808) Abby kissing McGee.
809) Kate+Tony having a food fight.
810) Getting poison ivy on your dick.
811) Tony being a Mormon.
812) Tony+Kate going to a strip club together.
813) Tony snogging a guy.
814) Tony having a man-crush.
815) Tony evilly cackling.
816) Kate winning a wet T-Shirt contest.
817) Ducky the therapist!
818) Gropping Tony's ass.
819) Tony in leather. Mmm.
820) Tony hugging McGee.
821) Tony, Kate, McGee and Gibbs in a shower together.
822) Billie Piper swearing.
823) Doctor Who on ice.
824) Billie Piper turning back time.
825) Cybermen doing the disco.
826) Tony being muscley.
827) Tony, the X-rated Peter Pan.
828) Kate in leather.
829) Paula on top of Tony.
830) Abby hugging McGee.
831) Loving Kate's desk more than you should.
832) Tony+his Magnum PI.
833) Ziva/Abby!
834) Ziva showing Tony how to turn off a vibrator.
835) Gibbs with a British accent.
836) Abby watching lesbian porn.
837) Mini-Gibbs!
838) Ziva interrogating.
839) Tony+Ziva posing as a married couple.
840) Jenny+Gibbs!
841) Tony going crazy.
842) Gibbs killing Zach!
843) Kate+Gibbs reading porn together.

Check out this for the background on the sex book and this, then this, then this and lastly this for the last update on the sex book. You'll be seeing more. Once we get more written. Hehe.

x-posted to claudiasharon, torri_potatoes and shankalism.

-Jack McWeir

sex book

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