Title: Meridian
By: Claudiasharon
Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Categories: Episode Related
Rating: G
Warnings: Character death (canon)
Spoilers: Meridian
Summary: His eyes widen as his best friend asks him to do the impossible.
His eyes widen as his best friend
Asks him to do the impossible.
He has to let him go.
He knows he does.
He just can’t bring himself
To be responsible
For an innocent man’s death.
Even if there is a possibility
Of seeing him again.
He closes his eyes,
And sighs silently
As he gives the doctor the word
And lets go
One last time.
A/N: And yet another college related fic. Uh...I forget if the professor like this one or not. But I think he did. Because other people did. ^_^
-Jack McWeir
I feel: