Mar 30, 2008 17:36

I have SPYWARE. Now what the fuck do I do about it?

Of course I may be getting a Mythical New Laptop sometime this month, in which case who cares? But yeah. They've hijacked my desktop and everything. I miss my island!!!

My sister is coming today, in about an hour. Meh.

I have so many books to read. I have decided I must read all the books I have out from the library before I take out more. They are as follows:

Two reference (A literary terms dictionary and a tarot book)
Eight fiction
Six nonfiction

I also have an essay to write, a midterm to study for, a scarf to knit, a season of BSG to catch up on, and several unpleasant relations to deal with.

My dad announced that I am beginning to have pages. To me this sounds like some strange vinereal disease. ("I have Pages!").

My aunt claims to have a mysterious present for me. My sister has $20 from my mother. I really really want some nachos.

My dad is playing his masterpiece for the family tonight.  I'm excited and very apprehensive.

More later on how all of this goes.
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