Newbie here with a fic to say "hey" with.

Nov 01, 2008 20:29

Hello everyone. So I've recently been sucked into the world of 30 Rock and instantly fell deeply and madly in love. Of course that means I have fallen in love with the Liz/Jack relationship as well. I have been reading all of your fics and have been blown away. Damn you people are talented. I thought I would take a crack at writing a Jack/Liz fic. I don't really know how it turned out but I hope you read it and enjoy it anyway. Ummmmmm...Tina for President!!!! I'm out.

TITLE: Vertical
RATING: PG-13 Probably R
SUMMARY: If you asked Liz Lemon how she ended up where she was she honestly couldn’t tell you.
DISCLAIMER: I own NOTHING...literally. I'm just writing.

If you asked Liz Lemon how she ended up where she was she honestly couldn’t tell you. This “encounter” certainly wasn’t supposed to be part of the day’s events. It started out as a normal morning or as normal as it could be on the set of TGS. She had successfully convinced Tracy not to go to the Kids Choice Awards dressed in a onesie and got Frank to fix her computer after he downloaded some German porn on it and caused it to crash. She had made it to lunch time without a body count and that’s when she went to see Jack.

Right now she’s trying to remember why she went to see him in the first place. Maybe it had something to do with Jenna or Tracy or the budget but her mind is becoming more and more foggy as Jack pushes into her. So this is what it’s like doing it standing up huh? She never thought about doing it vertically and never dreamt it could actually be this good. Because to be completely honest she hasn’t had really good sex in…well she can’t really remember the last time she has had really good sex. Oh God did she just actually moan Jack Donaghy's name? This can’t be happening. This shouldn’t be happening but strangely it feels very right. As she wraps her legs tighter around Jack and feels herself start to climax she does remember that he had a strange look in his eyes when she came into his office and she does remember that he locked the door behind her. Was he planning this? Did Jack Donaghy have this all planned out in his devious mind for some time? It doesn’t really matter now because he’s kissing her and for some reason she won’t allow herself to understand she’s kissing him back and she actually likes it. When he pulls out of her and backs away that’s when she starts to come down from her high. She realizes that she just did it with Jack Donaghy a man she was never even supposed to think about doing it with. All she wants to do is get out of his office and fast.

She slips away from the wall and rushes to the door fumbling with it for a minute before she finally gets it unlocked and rushes past Jonathan to the elevators. As soon as the elevator slides open she walks as fast as she can to her office with her eyes straight ahead. She ignores Pete and Jenna as they try to get her attention and runs the last few yards to her office slamming the door shut behind her. She sinks down into her chair and shakes her head trying to think if what happened between her and Jack really went on or if she just imagined it. And if she just imagined it she thinks she really needs to make an appointment with her shrink and soon or at least lay off the Sabor de Soledad for a while. She is snapped out of her thoughts when she hears her phone ringing. She hesitantly picks it up.


A strange and unfamiliar shiver runs through her body when she hears his voice and it’s actually a rather pleasant feeling. But she knows what’s coming. He’s going to tell her that it was a big mistake and that he had a temporary moment of insanity because after all he’s Jack Donaghy and he only does it with beauty queens and 20 year old yoga instructors. He doesn’t sleep with women like her.

“Lemon,” he repeats again in that low sexy voice and she hates the fact that she thinks his voice is sexy right now. “You left rather abruptly.” She doesn’t answer. “I hope you don’t think what happened between us was a mistake because it wasn’t.” She lets out a low shaky sigh. “By the way Lemon do you happen to be missing something?”

“Huh?” Is all she can say and she looks around her office confused. Nothing seems to be gone.

“Why don’t you check further south Lemon.”

She looks down and suddenly realizes that holy shit she’s not wearing her panties. She must have forgotten to put them on while she was rushing to get out of Jack’s office.

“You might want to come back up here to retrieve them unless you would enjoy going the rest of the day without your under garments.”

“I’ll be right up.” She says after a long minute and she’s just a little bit annoyed that Jack can make the words under garments sound so alluring.

She hangs up the phone and stands up straightening out her dress. She is definitely angry with herself right now not only because she left her panties in Jack’s office but because she knows when she goes back up there it’s going to happen again and she doesn’t exactly want to stop it. She thinks that maybe she’ll actually stick around and talk to Jack after they’re done doing it vertically again. She wonders if this is going to become a recurring thing and to be completely honest she doesn’t really mind if it does and that kind of makes her angry with herself and then again it kind of doesn’t.


fanfiction, pg13

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