Apr 20, 2006 00:46
It's at these, unlawful times that I find myself returning here, you do not talk back to me which I like in some ways, to a certain degree it is like talking to myself, but in a way that is more of a release that meaningless words muttered to a brick wall.
People are becoming more like brick walls every day I feel. Not enough people open up, myself being one of them. They're either too afraid too or are in love with the whole mystique that it carries around them.
It's not mystique at all is it, when it comes to being with someone for four years and you still have no fucking clue who they are.
Yeah, very fucking mysterious.
Being more open about yourself is a good thing, I remember being at joes when mum sent me that DOOM text, everyone was there, saw me crack, saw me really open up and they didn't reject me. They embraced me in a way that noone really has, I think everyone should start doing that more.
I think people should talk more, about themselves, not in a way that's like I HAVE ISSUES AND PROBLEMS, but in a way that suits them. Too many people feel that they shouldn't burdan others with their problems, we're friends, we share moments with eachother, and I think the ones that you really open yourself up to someone, leaving yourself totally vulnerable, are the best you'll have.
Bare feel to bun a zoot, however I feel the effects of what years of it does, I'm losing sharpness.
Can people spell lose LOSE and not loose please, you look fucking stupid.
It actually does REALLLLLLY get to me how much people can't spell the simplest of things.
To, too.
There their they're.
Lose Loose.
Its it's.
I wish people spoke like they did in Dickens's time.
'Good morrow dear sir'
etc etc, would be nang.
Unblock me Jess you drama queen you.