[ooc: Post
art lessons with Ingress.]
Mortals like names: they like knowing the correct word to call things. Words make things real. If it has a name, it exists. (This is why some languages have many words for snow or fish or brother. Culture and language are intertwined.)
"Jack Green" is just a name. "Jack Green" is an affable fellow who likes pie and babies and apples and drawing.
But the god who wears that name is very old, occasionally wise, mostly good, and deeply loving.
And he loves Milliways.
The green man can also be fierce. He is the leader of the Wild Hunt once a year, you know.
Upon learning that the White Rider has returned to the end of the universe, Jack went looking for a
ruined apple tree. He didn't find it, but upon inquiry (trees, because they talk slowly and thus only when it's important, observe everything) he learned that the tree has been remade into
something else.
He has no doubt that this is a good thing, and will be the guardian force to protect a precious doorway. Still, there is more to Milliways than just its doors. More things that need protecting.
Jack takes an apple from his pocket and tosses it from hand to hand as he walks along the edge of the forest, the greenhouse to his back. He stops at a place about forty paces from both the bar and the lake's edge, and holds out his arms. For a long moment he stands completely still--so still that were anyone watching, they would not see mild Jack Green but would instead see a great and mighty oak tree.
Abruptly he turns and throws the apple into the lake, as hard as he can.
When the waves settle, he nods and goes back into the bar.
In the morning, there is a new apple tree growing at the forest's edge.
Its apples are delicious.