Thursday, I packed up my dorm room, and came home. Then I spent Friday getting used to being back in the house, which is why I was kinda sorta radio silence for a while. Anyway, freshman year is over and I'm now one year closer to a degree.
It's good to be home.
Now. I'm going to buckle down and write something every day, whether it's five words or five hundred. To keep track of my progress (and to give myself some incentive so that I don't -- constantly -- appear empty handed) I'm going to be posting a word count from each story I work on (I'll try to work on several at a time.) That way, you guys aren't stuck wondering what the hell I'm doing. I have a bad habit of running silent when I should be communicating with you people; I'm going to try and change that.
And so...
Vita Mollis In Stellam Redeunt - Part Two: I must confess that the original Part Two fell victim to a purge that I made two weeks ago. It was bad stuff that I had to get rid of, some seriously shitty material that I'm glad will never see the light of day. (Which actually makes sense, considering the state I was in when I wrote it.) So I've started over and today I clocked in at... 172 words. Sigh.
unnamed McGee wingverse: If you're on my flist, and you have no idea what this is about,
go here for a half-assed explanation. I'm playing this one close to the chest, as usual, so don't be surprised that you've never heard of it before. Anyway, word count (in preliminary notes) clocks in at... 58 words. Grr.