Title: Catch!
Author: jack_infinitude
Pairing: Franklin Delano Donut x Sister Grif
Fandom: Red Vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles
Theme: # 05: amok; Alpha List
Disclaimer: I don't own Red Vs. Blue, or Rooster Teeth. "Kitty" is the name I have given Grif's little sister.
Rating: PG
The children were running amok.
Getting rather frantic, Donut bolted after his son, who often insisted on running around on the concrete sidewalk outside the house. As usual, this resulted in a long chase, Simon Donut being a rather speedy individual who often did his best to put off the advent of a bath for as long as possible.
Holding back swearwords, the former soldier finally managed to snag his spawn by his collar. Tickling the boy, he strode back to the house with the air of a conquering hero.
Kitty waited by the stove, eyes laughing. “Finally caught him, huh?” his wife asked, and then kissed his cheek.