Hidden Identity- Masterlist (COMPLETE)

Dec 30, 2013 11:58

Title: Hidden Identity-Masterlist
Author: Iantojjackh
Rating: PG
Summary: It began in a bar on a cold fusion cruiser with a stranger named Alonso. From there Jack's life takes a turn he never expected. This is a story off second chances: Jack and Ianto's second chance. Can they work things out this time or will outside forces pull them apart?
Characters: Jack Harkness, Alonso Frame, Gwen Cooper, Rhys Williams, Rhiannon Davies, Ianto Jones, Tenth Doctor, Twelfth Doctor,
Spoilers: CoE compliant fix-it and The End of Time (DW)
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: The characters do not belong to me. I just borrowed them for a short spell. I wish I owned them so there wouldn't be the need to write fix-its like this.
Word Count: ~26k
Beta: timelordshines
Notes: Written for the longliveianto big bang. Thank you to all that have commented, read or favorited this story. It was quite an adventure writings this and time to move onto the next project.

Chapter List

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

ianto, jack, fic list

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