Drabble: Diary of a Chronic Secret Keeper - February 15th, 2009 (Part 46)

Feb 15, 2009 23:29

Title: Diary of a Chronic Secret Keeper - February 15th, 2009 (Part 46)
Author: dryler
Pairing: Jack/Gwen, Gwen/Rhys, Jack/Ianto... you know canon.
Summary: Gwen starts a blog as an outlet, because she really needs an outlet.
Part Rating: PG
Timeline: I once read that Torchwood was set a couple years in the future, but I’m not sure if that’s true or not, so it’s set in 2009.
A/N: Inspired by reading the blog Belle de Jour: diary of a London call girl, although this is very different.

Other parts are here

Feb 15th, 2009

My mother is not going to take this divorce business well.

I talked to her on the phone today. It’s her birthday, and the call has become a bit of a tradition since I moved away. My poor father has to deal with two special occasions in a row, and my mother is high-maintenance. If he ever has a heart attack it’s going to be in February.

She asked me if H and I did anything special yesterday. I replied, “No, I was at work all day.” It’s not a lie. It’s an omission, but it’s not a lie. It kind of feels like a lie though.

I’ve made tentative plans to meet with my parents sometime next week, and I’m going to tell them then. I’ve decided I am going to do this. I’ve told J my plan, so it’s out there, somebody who can call me on it knows. Hopefully that’ll be enough to make me do it.

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!drabble^, writer: dryler

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