DRABBLE: Jack's fantasy

Dec 09, 2008 11:41

Title: Jack's Fantasy
By: Bellebet
Rating: NC-17
Genre: smut
Time Line: S-2, Post "Meat"

Note: My first attempt at smut, so be kind. :)

He should be thinking of covering up what those butchers did to that poor, rift misplaced creature. He should be thinking of how to Retcon Rhys twelve ways to Sunday. He should be checking unsolved files to make sure this operation didn't have other aliens that were being exploited. But all Jack could think about was how close Gwen was to his lips, so close that he could taste the cinnamon gum on her breath. And how she stared at him while kissing her fiancé, with a look that clearly said, “This should be you I’m snogging.”

His hand drifted beneath his waistband as he imagined that same look coming from Gwen on her knees in front of him. Jack’s cock jumped at the touch and he hissed from the contact. Would Gwen’s touch be lighter, softer, or would she rub him raw? Or would she start using her tongue instead and taste how much he wanted her? With his other hand, Jack unzipped, exposing himself to the cool air in his office as he sped up his stroking.

He was trapped in his fantasy of Gwen sucking him off, and no interruption could break it. Jack wanted to feel that delicious suction of his tip against the roof of her mouth while she tongued the underside of his shaft. All the time, she’d be staring at him, daring him to come, smiling around him as he thrust into her. And he prayed to any God that she swallowed.

!drabble^, genre: smut, !drabble, writer: bellebet

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