Challenge #13 "Prompt: Remembrance/Veterans Day (Holiday Theme)" Winners & Banners

Nov 23, 2008 14:23

Thank you and congratulations to all who participated in Challenge 13 - we had some really good fics! I hope the next round, which we will be posting soon, will also draw more fics too!

But enough of my yaking! On with the winners and banner!

dryler - Thank You

Gwen’s rummaging around in one of the basement storage rooms when she finds it; a dusty old chest with a broken lock, holding worn army uniforms and a green metal lockbox full of medals resting on top of ripped fatigues.

There’s a bundle of faded old photographs tied together with fraying twine that have been wedged down between a dented World War Two helmet, and the rough wood of the chest’s side. On the top is a bent picture of a few dirt encrusted young men, smiling despite their haunted eyes. He isn’t one of the men in the picture, but they remind her so much of Jack it makes her heart hurt.


Jack tosses his coat onto the back of the chair in front of his desk, and drops a pile of government issue paperwork on to the table under the window with a thud, as he makes his way into his office towards his chair.

He slumps into his seat before he notices the top of his desk. Cocking his head to the side, Jack puts out his hand to pick up the thin green stem of the bright red poppy resting on his blotter. He stares at the wide fragile petals for a solid minute, before he starts to smile for the first time since October.

talkingtothesky - Keep On Carrying On

It’s not the fighting that’s the hardest part, in the end. It’s returning to something like normality and trying to live on as if none of it happened.

“Who were they?” She asks softly, a hand resting lightly on the shoulder of his greatcoat.

“Heroes.” He tells her, staring at the stones with horror in his eyes. He remembers, every one.

“Does it get easier?”

“Never.” He plants the last cross in the soil and slowly gets to his feet. “It shouldn’t.”

Gwen takes his hand, shivering in the cold. “We’ll remember,” she vows.

Somehow, it makes all the difference.

chris4short - Under His Keeping

Jack swept his braces up in one motion as he hurried down the stairs. Gwen looked up as he rounded the workstations. “Let’s go people!”

Running to catch up with him, PDA in hand and raincoat over her arm, she looked at Jack as he opened the door into the parking garage. “It’s on the move, isn’t it?”

“Yup, just as Owen had said.” Jack grinned as he started the SUV. “He’s pretty smart, I guess.”

Gwen rolled her eyes and put in the coordinates as the others climbed in. She stole a glance at Jack and frowned; something was missing. Doing a quick sweep, trying not to look, she took in Captain Jack Harkness and all his mysteries. He was in one piece, she determined, neat and perfect (and secretly she thought very sexy) as always.

He managed to get around the last turn on all four wheels, and had shut the engine off before she could tell him they had arrived. She shook her head; always getting ahead of her, he was. She trailed behind Jack taking he in, a moment of pride that she was with he.

And then it hit her, Jack sweeping his great coat around, settling it over his shoulders, the collar slightly crocked. He was now ready to lead, and they to follow, into any battle. Gwen smiled, watching her Captain jump into the ongoing battles, knowing she was safe under his keeping. Always remembering the war wasn’t over but they were ready.

So take the shiny banners, put them on your own server, and show them off! Once more, congrats to all, and get those fingers ready to type some more drabbles and short shorts about our favorite pair!


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