Drabble: And His Heart Raced 2/4

Nov 10, 2007 00:35

Title: And His Heart Raced
Author: Chris4Short aka Christine
Rating: PG-13
Genre: UST/Angst
Time line: After Combat...
A/N: I hope someone else will come and post... even so between Ani and I we have several to post... we like to read what ya'll are writing.

Gwen’s hand closed over Jack’s as she worked, a gentle squeeze and a smile made him forget what he was thinking.

No matter how hard he tried, Jack always came back to the first time they had met, the first time their eyes locked and he saw… a world of promise he thought had been lost forever.

She loved him with open admiration. Jack stole a glance at Owen and bit his lip. Did she look at him the same way? No. Never with the same tilt of the head and quick laugh, he noted satisfied.

And his heart raced.

genre: ust, !drabble, genre: angst, writer: chris4short

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