The Winners of the 10th Challenge Are... (With Banners)

Jun 21, 2008 23:51

First, yes, there was a three way tie so three submissions got second place. I waited to see if someone's vote broke the tie, but alas, didn't happen. And now, because chris4short, the lovely lady who makes the drabbles, is at the moment very busy (and probably suffering from the evil aftermath that is called exams), I'll be posting this entry without the banners! I'll let you know when the banners are available, as always! There will be a mod's choice for this week but since I've yet to get in contact with chris4short regarding our mod's choice, I'll leave it blank until she gets back to me. Thanks for your patience, as always!

Title: Making Love
Author: luxuria_oceanus

Gwen wonders what it'll feel like, his breath on her naked shoulder, his arms around her waist, his lips tracing kisses on her neck; she can't help but wonder what it's like to make love to Captain Jack Harkness.

Jack thinks he knows what it'll feel like, her hands exploring his naked chest, her tongue leaving trails on the scars that no one sees, her nails on his back; he's dreamed it enough to know what it could be like to make love to Gwen Cooper.

But wondering can only take you so far, never far enough.

And dreams only beg you for more, more than you can have.

So when the time comes for them to know, truly know, and throw all thoughts and dreams aside, it's much better.

His hand is tangled in her hair, her mouth drinking him in and her hand is wrapped around the only body part, other than his heart, that always ached for her whenever he allowed himself to dream.

She digs her nails on his back just like he knew she would, but better and she sighs his name once he's fully inside. The curves of her body, the shape of her legs, it all fits into him like a puzzle welcoming him home.

Their bodies move, clashing like heaving waves in a stormy sea and her moans are like thunder, making his body tremble with pleasure.

There is no room for wonders and dreams now, but the reality of making love.

Title: What Matters
Author: autumnrae89

With a look of thoughtfulness that crept up on Jack’s face as Gwen slid down the ladder to his makeshift room. It was with contemplation that the pair allowed their gazes to travel one another. Jack stood, his head tilted to one side. Gwen half shuffled to stand opposite him.

Jack noted her jacket was zipped up to brace the cold, his fingers traced the zipper lightly. Gwen’s eyes fluttered shut as Jack began to pull it down. Blindly, Gwen reached for Jack’s braces, pushing them down his shoulders. Her fingers were nimble on the buttons of his shirt when she finally opened her eyes. Cupping his hand to the side of her face, Jack pressed a kiss to Gwen’s temple, down the side of her face and soft butterfly kisses on the column of her throat.

Divesting themselves of their clothing had been slow and arduous. Jack had laid Gwen down with a gentle reverence. He had worshipped her body with his hands and his mouth in all the ways he hadn‘t been able. It was when she welcomed his body into her own that he pressed his lips to hers and spoke of his love.

It was in return he accept her tears for all the things they could never be. But he felt his heartbeat faster when he heard the words, soft and simple, spoken into the nook of his shoulder. “I love you.” She breathed against the flush of his skin.

After that, nothing else mattered.

Title: Steamy
Author: chris4short

Steamy shower meant something else as the couple busily grunting away under the cascading water. For despite the initial intentions of “cooling off,” they had become entangled, legs, arms, bodies in the small stall, lips fervently pressing to places both swore never to touch again.

The cold water had become lukewarm as they’d protested, while hands, fingers, tongues and hot whispers, dragged soaking wet clothing off. They reasoned they couldn’t be standing in wet clothing, even so down in their loins they had been wet hours ago.

Water dripped down their naked bodies, pooling between breasts, shoulder blades, around his feet. She turned her head upward as his hungry mouth took her nipple, his hands gripping her slipping ass as they slapped and grunted and tried to remember why they ever wanted to avoid being in the same room together.

As best as they could, they changed positions, not for the first time cursing the cramped conditions. He kept contact with her, and her hands followed the water down his back, as they gasped for air, fingers digging into each other’s backs, shoulders, white hot light blinding them both as they rammed away, imagining their body heat evaporating the water.

Collapsing in a heap of legs and arms, Jack reached for the handle, turning the water off. Panting, Gwen leaned her head against Jack’s still wet chest, his fingers tangled in her wet hair as the air around them cooled.

“Jack, I’m cold,” she whispered, reaching for the handle again.

Title: Just Once...
Author: elinor_godwin

Gwen often found herself staring at Jack’s hands: large, dexterous and ever wandering. They would usher her politely through a door, and sometimes point at her accusingly, but she had often wondered what they would feel like if they skimmed softly over her skin, or tugged roughly in her hair…

Or if they were buried deep inside her. Exactly where they were now.

She flushed, feeling as red as her shirt. There had been little preamble. The alien bite on her arm had been bandaged and the girls were waiting for her at the bar. But a look had passed between them, and she found herself pinned against the wall in his office; his tongue in her mouth and those demanding hands already at work on her belt.

His thumb slid easily over her clit, and she closed her eyes, reveling in the sensation. But their frantic pace stopped suddenly as he pulled his lips away and tugged her chin up, forcing her to look at him. Dark eyes snared hers, and for a moment, fear rivaled her lust.

But the glance quickly gave way to his familiar lop-sided grin. He twisted his fingers just exactly right, and she shuddered tightly around them. She held his gaze as the waves wound their way through her.

“And the hero always gets the girl,” he teased.

“Just for tonight, Jack.”

The hen party would have to wait...

She had to find out what else those hands could do. Just once.

Title: Closed Quarters
Author: dryler

“This is your fault,” Gwen states despairingly. She’s lying on the small bed-shelf, as Jack leans against the wall facing her in one of the hubs subterranean cells.

“I know. I owe you,” Jack says pushing off the wall to sit on the edge of the bed.

“I’m not sharing. You can sleep on the floor.”

“That seems fair,” Jack replies, as he starts to unbutton her shirt.

“What are you doing?” Gwen asks, though she makes no move to stop him.

“I owe you.” Jack pushes her bra out of the way to lave the skin around her nipple with his tongue.

“Oh.” Gwen runs her fingers through Jack’s hair while he pops the button on her jeans.

“Lift up,” Jack murmurs. When she complies he pulls her pants and underwear down her thighs, and right off her legs.

Pushing apart her thighs, he runs his tongue all the way up and nips at her clit, before inserting a finger. Gwen’s hands scrabble at the arm holding down her hips as Jack adds a second digit. Getting hold of his collar she pulls him up into a kiss, and then moves her hands down to his belt.

Jack pulls her to the edge of the bed and pushes up inside with a quick thrust. She digs her fingers into his back, trying to pull him in closer, deeper. The collar of his shirt ripping under her fingers as she contracts around him, burying her words inside his mouth.


Remember: Each mod has a right to pick their favorite (whether it be the same one or different ones) based on their own opinions and tastes. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions!

Mod's Choice from both chris4short and luxuria_oceanus goes to "Just Once..." by elinor_godwin!

The 'Why': It is truly the epitome of Jack/Gwen in the Torchwood fandom, the right amount of angst (Gwen's fault) with the delicious amount of smut (Jack's fault), united in such a way that will have you both swooning and crying, all at once.


Thank you so much for participating guys, and congrats to those who won! Hope you try again next time!


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