Title: Jack's Halloween Costume
luxuria_oceanusRating: R
Genre: Humor
Time line: Set somewhere in my imagination where many naughty and crazy things happen.
Notes: This drabble is in the spirit of Halloween, enjoy!
She dresses as a faerie for Halloween, just to spite Jack, even though she knows he’ll find her adorable.
He always does.
To everyone’s surprise, especially Gwen’s, Jack also wears a costume to work, a naked one.
“Jack? What are you supposed to be?” Asks Gwen, trying not to look at the place everyone is looking at.
“Other than a rather large and proud exhibitionist,” Tosh adds.
“I’m supposed to be invisible. Are you saying it didn’t work?” He teases.
Gwen grins, “Oh, its working quite well actually.”
And once Jack looks down on himself, he knows what she means.