You know what?

Apr 06, 2008 21:44

Life is a real journey sometimes. Even though I would much prefer an eventful life to a dull one, it's a lot of work! Being a good person believe it or not is a lot of work too. It's hard to always do the right thing and I'm not saying I always do but even though it takes a while, it usually pays off positively to do the right thing. Honesty is something I've taken for granted over the past years. I've been extremely lucky to have my family members, friends and even past boyfriends MOSTLY honest with me. Lately I've encountered some liars and had to deal with their manipulative ways. It's not easy and especially when you want so badly to be their friends but it just gets to the point where you don't know if what they're saying is ever actually the truth. Interesting. I'm having a lot of fun right now with everything going on but what I've learned is that I'm vulnerable no matter how tough I think I am and I need to have a guard up which is not easy because I wear my heart on my sleeve and I just want to trust everybody I meet so bad! Okay now I'm just rambling. Huh. Craziness. Okay back to the books. Oh and guess what? I get to give my first injection tomorrow to a real person! Yay! I can't wait :) I'm not really nervous but I will be nervous in a few weeks when I have to start doing blood draws and catheters. Yikes!
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