Anyone up for a discussion?

Jan 11, 2008 10:42

This comm is a bit quiet, so I wondered if anyone wanted to discuss what we're here for - Jack and Gwen? Maybe discuss the previews for series two... interviews... etc... Anything? Anyone?

Well, I can't wait for the new series to start! I've seen all of the previews and clips and I'm thoroughly stoked. Since this ship is one of the rarer ones, and considering all the Jack/Ianto stuff going on, I can see why it may be so quiet in here. Having said that, I think there is lots of interesting stuff coming up. :)

Interview clip from SFX:

Does Gwen’s relationship with Jack go in a different direction this year?
“Yes. The subtext is huge, constantly, and it moves on a level. They give each other the space. He knows what she’s up to and she certainly knows what he’s up to in the Hub with... certain people. And that’s why they get on so well, that’s why they love each other so much, because they have a huge amount of respect and acceptance for one another.”

To read the whole thing, go here

In the previews we see the two of them together a few times. She shoves him in the Hub and shows she's ticked off with him for leaving. We get a short shot of him & Gwen explaining that he died so many times, that he's seen the end of the world - with her asking how. It's pretty clear that he still seems to trust her with information that he doesn't easily share with anyone else. We also get a clip of Jack tugging her against a wall (on a building) - don't know what that's about yet. So, lots of interesting things to come.

Yes, Jack obviously gets involved with Ianto. Yes, we know there is a Gwen/Rhys wedding. But, according to Eve Myles, Gwen finishes the series broken, but stronger. It's going to be a fun ride...

Next? Discuss away...


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