from marc's journal jan 27 03

Aug 17, 2003 23:09

So here's the thing.

I'm sippinonsin putting my current judgments of the following in suspension until further notice.

Jake dog_shit_taco

Jack jack2004

That is all.

Here's my dream as

The gay guys of lower michigan, birmingham area all realize one thing:

There aren't that many of us. And of the ones who there are, there is definately an upper crust. And right now that upper crust is a lot like the english royalty.

i.e. highly inbred, and very bitter.

Listen guys:

We're all going to dat eachother. And then we're going to run out of people to date. And then we're going to do it all over again, because no one likes to be alone.

So here's the tricky part: Don't get bitter. Please. Just because you broke up with someone once (or twice, or three times) doesn't mean that they're satan.

From friends, to lovers to bitter suicidal ex's all in the same show.

Welcome to "GAY" the Broadway review.

Sponsored in part by the Birmingham Fags Association. Taste the rainbow.

and marc has been my secret hero ever since. i cant explain it, but it seems like everything he does he knows the answer.... he knows the outcome. its mysterious. i need to talk to him.
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