the ex-drag queen eyebrow man

Jul 14, 2003 19:11

so anyways. im taking an annonymous hint from an annonymous reader about talking only about the things that matter. i guess i can talk and talk until i turn blue, but have i really said anything?


very insightful. i need to talk for a reason, or in this case, type.

so my weekend was great. except one thing.... im turning into a pothead without even trying. i know its bad. i know im losing myself. and i know smoking pot will lead me in a bad direction. i know what it can do to you, ive seen the results. i wish i knew why i still do it.

saturday em called me for lunch, we went to max and ermas, picked up morgan. i really love emily. its a problem thats not really a problem. shes just so great and i love having her around. morgan is great too. duh.

anyways we ended up at one of emily's ex-fling's house and we got into the hottub. he brought out drinks and a marijuana smoking device. i started drinking. morgan and i got giddy. then we went into the garage and smoked. and i really enjoyed it. bot is nasty shit, but i enjoyed it. i got really obnoxious. shouldnt mix pot and alcohol, but oh well. emily couldnt take me. i was ruinging everyone's high and i was just out of control. my lack of stress really made me happy and made me just float. literally. it was great. the afternoon progressed into evening and i wound up lying naked on a waterbed by myself. em drove me home and later that night i went out with carolyn.

cdawg and i didnt do all that much but i really enjoy every second i spend with her. we decided were making an offroading park in cities cuz..... we are. details into the business can only be known if you wish to become a partner. thats it. oh yah, slurpees are good. i like pina colada, but cdawg likes coke. go figure.

sunday was a fun day. all that matters is this:

so emily made an eyebrow appointment at todds room and she couldnt go. ive been meaning to get them done for a while now, so i took her appointment. the guy who did me was scott. scott is this awesome guy. he went to southfield christian and he is engaged to this guy named paul (they have been for five years). i was getting them done and my phone keeps ringing.

"bitches call ya?"
look at phone. it was jake.
"kinda. my ex-boyfriend."

then discussions kept on going. we had a lot to talk about. paul was a stripper at some club in detroit and scott worked as a drag queen. he told some crazy stories. he was a great guy and cool as hell. as i was paying the bill he wrote me a little note:

scott and paul

if you ever get in trouble and need people who have been there give us a call

i thought it was nice.

then i went and smoked pot with some guy who graduated from seaholm this year, chris. it was strange cuz chris and i have always gone to the same school and stuff and he just immed me out of the blue friday night. hes a cool guy. anyways, yah. so that was fun. i smoked a little using a device called a bat and a dugout. it was neat. tho, i couldnt really figure out how to use the "bat." oh well. then dad called and asked for his digital camera from home so i had to leave. which was stupid. ruined my fucking high man.

working in farmington a lot this week, sometimes in birmingham.

see ya around.
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