Saw this and swipped it.

Jan 26, 2005 21:34

1. Shuffle your playlist.
2. Of the first 15 songs that come up, no matter how embarassing, put your favourite lyric on your LJ. Try not to include the title.
3. Whoever guesses the most songs on your friends list is better than everybody else.
4. Strike the songs off as they are guessed correctly.

A few of these are pretty kinda hard, so good luck. Yay.

DO IT. (Post your guesses in comments)

1.  GUESSED "..... fuck the namesayers because they don't mean a thing.  This is the style we birng."

2.  GUESSED "... Oh, it seems like such fun until you lose what you have won..."

3.  "... I wanna stay inside.  I wanna stay inside for good...."

4. "... one day you'll see the clear blue skies."

5.  GUESSED "... the microphone explodes.... get the fuck out the camode."

6. "...Your simple country dress.. it's like heaven to me I must confess."

7.  GUESSED ".. How do you do it?  You make me feel like I do.  How do you do it?  It's better than I ever knew...."

8. GUESSED "Last night I had the strangest dream, where everything was exactly how it seemed. There was never any mystery of who killed John F. Kenendy..."

9. "...Old man look at my life. I'm a lot like you were..."

10. GUESSED "... Do you have the time, to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once?"

11. "Warm sun, feed me up.  Weary, loaded up.  Need a change and I slip some..."

12. GUESSED "...Whatcha gonna do when judgement comes for you?  When there ain't no where to hide...."

13.  GUESSED "...1,2,3 take my hand and come with me because you look so fine that I really wanna make you mine..."

14. GUESSED "Two weeks without my lover. I'm in this boat alone. Floating down the river named emotion. Will I make it back to shore or drift into the unknown?

15. GUESSED "...half ounces, quarter pounds, lbs, and kilos..."

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