Facebook is not DW/LJ -- Yet!

Jul 04, 2009 11:45

I hate it when I set myself up to get hurt. I let my younger brother drag me onto to Facebook not all that long ago and I keep forgetting that Facebook =/= Dreamwidth. Twice in the last month I've forgotten that, to my detriment.

For one thing, my born-again far-right Fundie-Xtian freakazoid relatives are NOT on DW/LJ.

For another, even if they were here & had friended me here, I could still keep them from seeing the things that would make them pile on with the "You don't think exactly the same way I do! HOW. DARE. YOU?" crapola simply by using a custom filter.

Well, guess what? Facebook is rolling out custom filters for posts! YAY! WHOO! and also HOO! CHOIRS OF ANGELS SING HALLELUJAH!

Now, many FB users are (understandably) freaking out because the first group they're rolling this out to is the folks whose default was already set to "Let Everyone (even total strangers) see this." So the default for this group is still "Let Everyone (even total strangers) see this." and people were thinking that would be the case for everyone.

FB has clarified that those of us with more stringent privacy settings (1) are not included in the first beta group and (2) will have our current default settings migrated over when we are included. I'm seeing that this has (of course) not completely penetrated the "OMG! I don't WANT the world to know!" panic.

Since I didn't hear about the beta until AFTER the clarification, my reaction is YAY! WHOO and also HOO! CHOIRS OF ANGELS SING HALLELUJAH!

Because now, even if I want the freakazoids I'm related to to know that I'm enjoying my weekend or my new nephew, I will be able to exclude them when I share things like this witch-burning link (posted last week by interactiveleaf) with my saner friends and family. As it is, that link caused my father to point out that "Yes, and they still kill Christians too. So, perhaps we should all be a bit more tolerant."

*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

family: born-again, facebook, religion

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