Since the president repealed Dont Ask, Don't Tell the military has been working on integrating the new order into the system. Military law has to be reviewed and rewritten, these changes must be taught down through the ranks so every soldier from general to private knows what they should be doing
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Maybe they're hours lost for you because you would never sexually assault someone. But until any of your buddies no longer rape people, it is necessary to take everyone aside and say, "Here is how you can safely report sexual assault, and here is the proper way to handle such a report." So that's countless hours lost, not because women had the gall to join, but because some of the men decide they have to intimidate and dominate anyone they perceive as weaker than them (including other men, who are also sexually assaulted in the military).
The military could easily change its fitness requirements. So that's a policy failure, not sin by the women who want to serve their country. And I'm pretty certain you have women there who can keep up with you regardless.
They might not need separate facilities if they could count on their brothers-in-arms not to assault them for being female.
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