Since the president repealed Dont Ask, Don't Tell the military has been working on integrating the new order into the system. Military law has to be reviewed and rewritten, these changes must be taught down through the ranks so every soldier from general to private knows what they should be doing
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Much as you seem to want otherwise, the military is not a monolith that will remain forever unchanged. Policies will be updated and rewritten, technology will be modernized, global power structures will shift, tactics will adapt, and people who are different from you are no longer going to be prevented from having the same opportunity to serve their country that you enjoy. All of those changes are going to require new training. The military cannot and will not remain a stagnant entity in a world that changes around it. Any time you have to spend on training to keep up with the rest of the world is entirely necessary, and time well spent.
No doubt people thought that integration was a risky "social experiment". But it had to be done, and it was done, and we seem to have done pretty well since then, all fears to the contrary.
Your military superiors decided that this so-called "social experimentation" was not a significant risk. So, you claim that it's about efficiency, etc. etc., but I see nothing but you resenting that some of your fellow soldiers are finally getting the same treatment as you. Not better treatment, not special treatment: the same.
Now a whole new can of worms is being opened on an unnecessary change.
Maybe they're hours lost for you because you would never sexually assault someone. But until any of your buddies no longer rape people, it is necessary to take everyone aside and say, "Here is how you can safely report sexual assault, and here is the proper way to handle such a report." So that's countless hours lost, not because women had the gall to join, but because some of the men decide they have to intimidate and dominate anyone they perceive as weaker than them (including other men, who are also sexually assaulted in the military).
The military could easily change its fitness requirements. So that's a policy failure, not sin by the women who want to serve their country. And I'm pretty certain you have women there who can keep up with you regardless.
They might not need separate facilities if they could count on their brothers-in-arms not to assault them for being female.
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