Slowly Bringing This Back Up to Speed

Jan 16, 2009 13:07

Oh, dang, I got so excited talking about food yesterday that I forgot to talk about the (other) things that have me excited.

CROM! I love some Conans. What's the story on the Red Nails animated feature site being down? Ron Perlman as the voice of Conan fits perfectly. Mark Hamill as the crazy old sorcerer mummy dude seems to work pretty well, too. If I were doing the casting, though, I'd have Sam Elliot as Conan and Rosie O'Donnell as the lich-ghoul.

The Stallone version of Judge Dredd made me cry. The only saving graces were Max von Sydow (but I wish the Chief Judge had been used better) and Diane Lane (which reminds me, I have to do my list of hot old broads). This new version looks like it has a lot of potential, based on the concept art alone. They seem to be cleaving a little more closely to the original material.


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