Universal Brotherhood

Sep 15, 2012 12:02

The Universal Brotherhood is a fictitious organization from the role-playing game Shadowrun. I started playing Shadowrun in the late 80's and into the early 90's with a group of friends.

From the description of the adventure...

"Who are the Brotherhood? Possibly the largest humanitarian organization in the world? To the grime-encrusted inhabitants of the sprawl they are a shining ray of hope in an otherwise hopeless world. This is their way out of the darkness, their key to personal fulfillment and understanding. They are on every corner. They knock on every door. And they want to save you too. Now someone has been on the inside of the Brotherhood. The objectives and purpose of the Brotherhood have been exposed. Some of the questions are answered. But the truth is even more chilling..."

Once our characters started investigating the organization we learned that it was a front for insect beings that were using humans as hosts to breed more of their kind as they attempt to take over the world.

Why am I writing about some game I played over a decade ago? Well I pulled out the old (published in 1990) module and noticed something on the front cover that I hadn't really paid attention to before.


The sign outside the building where the Universal Brotherhood has set up an office has a woman sitting on a rock with a message superimposed over the image. "Unleash your inner abilities. Join the Universal Brotherhood to build a better tomorrow.". And she's sitting at the base of a volcano.

I don't think it's a mistake that the artist used a volcano. A volcano is also used on the cover of L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics books.


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