Lights, Camera, Action! (5/?)

Mar 16, 2014 21:36

Rating: PG-13 for now (more NC-17 later)
Pairing: Minjae, onesided Yunjae
Genre: Drama, Romance, slight angst?, will add more as story goes on. XD
Warning: Yaoi, eventual smut, totally unrealistic technique of how a movie is created (I'm not a real director and can only speculate 1% of what actually takes place in a movie creation), UNBETA'ED, cliche, otherwise enjoy!
Length: Chaptered (5/?)

Summary: He likes doing these types of movies. It makes his life a little more exciting than what it routinely is. For once he was casted in an action flick and he's really excited. Only one little problem... he can't get why they need that stupid stuntman in the film at all.

For hhazellee. Enjoy it bb!!! Even if it's totally not coming out how you wanted it, this is what I was able to come up with. :)

A/N: Alrighty guys! I know, I couldn't work on CUII this weekend, but I was able to finish the chapter I had already prepared for this story. ^_^ I know it's not a consolation to some of you, but hope you enjoy it either way. Thanks so much for reading!

Chapter 4

****Chapter 5****
Jaejoong started awake suddenly. His groggy mind couldn't remember what exactly he'd dreamt with, but it’d left his heart beating erratically in his chest. Hm, he didn’t believe he’d had a nightmare…he decided to shrug it off and to get ready for today’s shoot. Today was going to have complicated scene… aka he’d have a scene with the stunt man again. He scoffed and got up from his bed fully, stretching as he usually did, and promptly fell on his soft comfortable bed again. He didn’t want to go to work anymore. He didn’t want to face that guy again for the remainder of the movie. He didn’t like the things that the other made him experience. He was happy with his life as it was before meeting that stunt man. He didn’t want to be experiencing this confusion an inner turmoil whenever the guy smiled at him out of nowhere or when he’d shyly look down whenever Jaejoong caught him staring. Jaejoong couldn’t help but wonder why that guy would always stare at him whenever he’d be shooting a scene they didn’t have to do together. It didn’t make sense for the stunt man to stick around for scenes that didn’t involve him. Curse the director of this movie that allowed his staff freedom to roam and stick around for scenes they had no business witnessing. He’d never had to work with a director like this before. It was very strange indeed.

He sighed and got up again, heading to the bathroom. He just hopped today’s scenes with the stunt man, who he still didn’t remember the name of, weren’t to taxing and that he’d be able to get through them with the minimal stress he experience with any other scene. With that thought he started his shower, ready for whatever the day would bring.


Changmin ran as fast as he could to get to the studio on time. He’d had a late start today. His alarm hadn’t gone off when it was supposed to and he hadn’t been able to get a cab fast enough and now he was running late for his scene. He was worried that he’d be fired on the spot as soon as he arrived. After all, he wasn’t an important part of the movie as a lead actor would be and could be replaced by another Yunho’s body look alike. He burst through the doors where he knew the director was without further ado gasping “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please don’t fire me!” while bowing at a 90 degree angle. He really couldn’t breathe and felt his lungs wanted to burst from his chest with how deeply he was inhaling and exhaling. He could feel sweat droplets gathering and trailing down his forehead, temple, and neck. His hair plastered to these areas.

“At ease there Changmin.” The Director joked and laughed lightly. “You’re only five minutes late. I wouldn’t fire you for such a short delay. Besides, you’re just in time. We were about to take the van to shoot the scene in the mountain. If you’d missed the ride, it’d be another story, but since you’re finally here just go with Sooyoung… I think she’s in the dressing room… to get you the appropriate clothes for the scene and for God’s sake dry all that sweat up. You look like you’re about to collapse of dehydration.” With that the director left, calling out to some staff member or other about preparations for the scene. Changmin sighed as he felt his heart rate calm down now that the Director pardoned his tardiness, closing his eyes to try to control his breathing. He’d been scared that the director was going to fire him. It’d already happened to him before when one of these unfortunate events piled up and ended on his arriving to work late. Once a director had fired him for not being on set five minutes before shooting a scene. He was extremely glad this guy was so forgiving. He would have been depressed to have lost this once in a lifetime opportunity.

When he opened his eyes again he realized someone was in the room with him as a flutter of butterflies swirled in his stomach when his eyes came into direct contact with Kim Jaejoong’s. He was so shocked that he literally flinched back and gasped loudly. He hadn’t realized that Jaejoong had been in the room at all. Too worried that the Director was going to fire him that he didn’t even look to see who witnessed his little outburst.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” He whispered as the only thing the other man did was just stare at him without uttering a word. He began feeling both uncomfortable and elated that Kim Jaejoong was staring at him so intensely. He licked his lips nervously and noticed how Jaejoong’s eyes followed his nervous jester only to quickly go back to capture his eyes again. Changmin’s heartbeat picked up the longer he stayed in place, only this time running had nothing to do with it. He saw that Jaejoong suddenly began moving across the room towards the exit without uttering a word, a scowl firmly planted on his face. He just left and Changmin didn’t know what to make of it. He swallowed hard, and suddenly remembered he was working and that he needed to hurry to change before they left without him. With that in mind, Changmin raced to find Sooyoung.


Jaejoong sat beside Yunho in the van on the seats closest to the driver’s and passenger. Most of the crew had sat behind the two actors already and settled in for the long drive to the movie location for today’s shot. There were two more vans that had already taken off with the required filming equipment so that they can set up before they could begin filming.

“Okay, is everyone here?” The Director glanced back from the passenger seat as he mentally counted. “Where’s Changmin?”

“Here!” Changmin shouted as he hurriedly got onto the van, taking the only available seat he could. Once he realized that he was thigh to thigh close to Kim Jaejoong his brain froze and he stopped breathing for a second. His skin felt hot and he turned slowly to see how Jaejoong’s eyes widened at their close proximity. Tension was diffused when the Director spoke up again.

“Okay, we’re all set then. Let’s go Donghae.” The Director said cheerfully and the van started up.

Meanwhile, Changmin was trying very hard to ignore the fact that he could feel Jaejoong’s body heat so close to his own, even though the actor had discretely scooted closer to his friend Yunho.


Yunho was seething. Why hadn’t he enclosed Jaejoong near the window? Far, far away from anyone else who could touch him? He glanced once more to see how that Shim character was astutely avoiding looking in this direction, but Yunho could tell the guy was blushing lightly. What the hell?! Didn’t this director have any presence in mind to segregate actors with regular staff? Why must they all be crammed into such a short space together as if they are such a low budget film?

The only good thing he could see out of this was that Jaejoong was leaning really close to him and that made him a little smug. Who would’ve known that that stunt man would’ve brought Jaejoong even closer to him than he’d managed in the time he’d known him? It truly was awesome how close he’d gotten to Jaejoong ever since this film began and even more so when the stunt man showed up.

A sudden bump on the road caused him to hiss lightly as his injured leg was jarred uncomfortably against the seat.


“Are you okay Yunho?” Jaejoong asked when he heard his friend hiss under his breath. The bump had dislodged him from his close proximity from his friend. He’d been about to paste himself close to him again when Yunho had hissed and he suddenly remembered his friend’s leg was injured and that he shouldn’t crowd him, even if that meant to just suffer the physical closeness to the stunt man that was bothering him more than he’d like to admit.

“Yeah, just a little reminder that I’m not fully healed yet, hahahaha.”

“Donghae, be careful will you. Yunho is still injured you know.” Jaejoong said to the driver. Concern for Yunho evident.

“Sorry Jaejoong-ishy. Pot hole came out of nowhere. These roads aren’t in the best conditions. Sorry Yunho-ishy.” Donghae apologized.

“It’s alright man. I’ll try to readjust my leg in a better position to avoid the seat hitting my ankle.” Yunho said sheepishly as he readjusted his leg.

As he did so, Jaejoong realized he needed more space and that he’d have to lean further against a certain someone who he wasn’t fond of. He cleared his throat as he tried his best to imitate a statue, staying as still as possible to avoid touching the stunt man any more than he needed to. He could keenly feel the heat pressed against his side as he inhaled and exhaled in a calm fashion to relax his tense muscles. They couldn’t arrive to the location fast enough.


Changmin thought the scenery was awesome. They were trees everywhere and they were in a mountain cabin that was really nice. It was very comfy. Today’s scene they were going to be ambushed by the Mafia and Changmin was feeling nervous. It’d be the last action scene he’d be working with Jaejoong since Yunho was supposed to be fine by the time the final action scene was going to be shot. He’d be working with Jaejoong in this scene again and he was still reeling from the fact that he’d sat next to him through the whole ride there. He’d spent the whole ride very aware of Jaejoong’s presence and could still feel the slight tingling from having been that close to ‘thee Kim Jaejoong’. He could hear Yunho and Jaejoong reciting their lines before the actual fight scene and Changmin took the time to explore the small cabin. Yunho and Jaejoong were meant to come to this room whenever it was time to start the next scene, so he just stayed here. He could hear the footsteps to this room and went to a corner the camera wouldn’t catch him in so that he wouldn’t disrupt the scene filmed.

He saw Jaejoong walking in magnificently once more with Yunho behind him and just stared for a moment before he heard the director’s “CUT”.

“Alright everyone, let’s take five to set up for the next scene.” The director said as he came into the room and saw where he’d like to put the camera’s for the next scene.

Changmin saw how Jaejoong went out again and sighed. Today was the last time to leave an impression with Jaejoong, yet he still didn’t know what to do. All he knew was that when they were getting ambushed they’re supposed to fight off the guys in the room and try to exit out of the cabin, run through the forest, and get caught eventually after a minor tumble off a slope designed to stop their tumbling in case they couldn’t stop it themselves. If everything went according to plan, nobody was supposed to get hurt. This director liked to make things as real as possible and thrilled at getting a shot with real life action rather than CGI-ing the scene.

“Jaejoong! We’re about to film in 2 minutes!” The director called out as he made sure the camera was positioned where he wanted it and looking through the small windows to see the range he saw.

Changmin’s palms started getting sweaty and he cleaned them against his slacks (his character was fond of formal attire). Jaejoong stepped into the room and avoided his gaze as if he couldn’t stand to look at him and Changmin felt a little pang of regret that he couldn’t get into Jaejoong’s good graces, even with this being their last shot. He put that aside though. He had to concentrate on the scene and do the best he could so that Jaejoong wouldn’t get exasperated with his performance again.

“Changmin, you can stay in that corner right there if you wish. The talking scene with Yunho and Jaejoong shouldn’t take too long and we’ll switch you guys as soon as the last talking scene is recorded today.” The director told him and all Changmin could do was nod as he went to the indicated spot. He waited there until Jaejoong and Yunho stepped into the room again and noticed how Jaejoong’s gaze went to him before being averted, his whole body tense as he realized Changmin would be in the room before their scene was shot.

“Okay everyone. Places, places! Yunho, these are the last scenes of the dialogue for today. If you wish you can just go to the van and rest a bit. I’ve noticed how you’re limping more than usually.” The director said concerned for his actor.


“It’s okay. Must be the cooler weather over here that’s causing my ankle to act up… but I’d like to stay to see the action scene.” Yunho said as he went into position besides Jaejoong. He suppose that bump he received in the van affected him more than he initially thought since the pain was intensifying as the day progressed, but he’d be damned if he let that Stuntman out of his sight while he was shooting a scene with Jae.

“Okay, ready in 3, 2, 1… ACTION!”


“I think we should call for backup…” Craje whispered as he looked around what appeared to be the living room of the cabin. He’d been feeling strange about this. It just didn’t feel right and he was sure his face portrayed those same thoughts. He lifted his gun at the ready more as the atmosphere of some unforeseen anticipation kept getting thicker and thicker.

“We’re just checking out this place in case it’s the lead we’ve been waiting for Craje. No need to get headquarters involved if it’s false…” Brigel stated as he got closer to the table near the window to spot the cabins outside. To him everything looked in place and he thought it was a waste of time being here. The hint they were giving seemed to have been false. So far nothing out of the ordinary had happened and he was thinking that they should call it a day and just be grateful they didn’t have witnesses of their folly.

“And you were bitching at me for almost accidentally touching evidence? This is a no no in our books Brigel, what if-” Craje stopped when a noise disrupted the silence.

“What was that?” Brigel asked as he prepared his weapon as well. He walked towards the wall that he heard the noise from, hand reaching for the doorknob of what appeared to be a small closet.


“CUT! That was great!!! Okay, Yunho, please step outside for a moment. The next scene will require a lot of camera movement throughout the room and I wouldn’t want an accidently shot of you. Changmin, please go towards the closet where Yunho was last scene. We’re almost done boys! Everyone, positions!” The director said animatedly and proceeded to get behind the location of one of the cameras shooting the best angle of the room.


Changmin hurriedly went towards the area designated and noticed how Jaejoong stayed staring at him. That made him nervous because he could never tell what the actor was thinking when he made that stoic face. He tried to forget that look and turned towards the closet.

“Okay, Changmin, place your hand in the air as Yunho had been a second ago… yes, that’s it. Great. Okay, Jaejoong, get ready… ACTION!”


“Brigel, DON-” Craje tried to warn Brigel but it was too late. Brigel opened the door and out burst two men, knocking Brigel down with their momentum to get out. The air temporarily left Brigel as he was knocked to the floor, but he could clearly hear more feet running towards their direction and a foreign language being uttered from his assailants.

Quickly, as soon as he was able to breathe again, he turned over and knocked one of the guys off him, making him crash against a table by the wall. He was barely getting up and dislodging the other guy when the one he’d knocked out came back with a knife in hand.

“Brigel!” Craje exclaimed and immediately went to help his partner, knocking the knife out of the one about to stab Brigel in a swift manner. The feet that they’d heard earlier revealed eight more men in the room and when Craje glanced outside the window he noticed that they were surrounded. “Shit!”

He backed up against Brigel while breathing heavily. “We have to get out of here… on the count of three, let’s make it to the door and run to the car as fast as we can… 1, 2, 3!”

Everything went into action in that second. They were fighting for their lives, both shooting at anyone who got in their way as they ran towards the door. It was a short distance but seemed endless as some of their shots didn’t hit their targets and when they couldn’t have time to reload they used them as weapons to knock down whoever got in their path, moving furniture to slow down the present guys that hadn’t fallen victim to their shots or their fists. It seemed that as soon as they got rid of someone, another person came to take their place. They didn’t even know where all these men were coming from! As soon as they made it through the door, they found more guys in their paths and were certain now that this had all been a trap.

They fought their way through the group and finally made a break for it, running for their lives.

“Craje, wait!” Brigel tried to warn, but as he grasped Craje’s shoulder the other lost his balance and grabbed onto Brigel to prevent his fall for he had noticed the slope ahead. They both couldn’t help it as the momentum of their bodies rolled over one another down the slight slope, causing them to tumble to a stop when it leveled off.

They groaned and panted hard, in shock as they landed. Brigel on top of Craje with limbs intertwined and suites dirty, the dust setting on their prone figures.


“CUT!!! THAT WAS EXCELLENT GUYS!!! Although it wasn’t scripted for Changmin to fall on top of Jaejoong, it’s more spontaneous and believable this way, so hold your poses as we make our way down there. Now wait their while the rest of the team gets down there, we can’t shoot with just one camera.” The director said cheerily as he made his way down with the rest of the remaining team.

“Yunho, don’t you dare think about going down here.” The director said sternly.

“But-” Yunho tried to argue.

“You have and injured ankle and this would just make it worst. We want you to recover quickly. Alright everyone, follow me.” The direct said as he continued down the slope. He had stopped when he noticed Yunho’s intention of hiking downward.


Changmin was breathing heavily and tried very hard not to shiver every time he felt Jaejoong’s breath on his cheek and neck. His heart was hammering in his chest and he tried not to blush under Jaejoong’s intense stare. He felt the warmth of the other body beneath him and had to close his eyes before Jaejoong could see just how much he was enjoying the position they were in right now, tensing his jaw when the warmth only increased. He’d been nervous because of this scene and he now knew he was meant to be.


When Jaejoong squirmed a little to try to get comfortable from a rock he had beneath his back, he accidently made their groins meet and they both inhaled sharply, their eyes meeting. They were both shocked to notice the slight dilation in each other’s eyes, trying to convince themselves that it was due to adrenaline or low lighting or something. Both were stiff, but for some reason the distance between them was becoming shorter and short… as if they were magnetically drawn to one another. Jaejoong glanced down at those thin ridged lips that he’d never seen this close and Changmin’s eyes had automatically gone down to Jaejoong’s pink plump lips when they heard a shouted “Jaejoong!” followed by noises of someone tumbling down and the director’s scream of “Yunho!” along with gasps of the cast and a couple of screams when other bodies joined the tumble down.

Quickly Jaejoong and Changmin broke apart, and got out of the way as fast as they could as a group of people came crashing down, stopped by the precautionary soft foam placed in case Jaejoong and Changmin weren’t able to stop the tumble themselves.

But the most shocking thing that snapped everything into action was the ominous shout that Yunho gave as he tried to get up and was unable to due to extreme pain.

Jaejoong quickly ran to Yunho. “Yunho! Are you okay?!!”

“Jae- ugah-I-I think I broke my leg…” Were the last pained words from Yunho before he fell unconscious. Leaving everyone to gasp in horror and look on in shock, unable to believe what had just happened.

Chapter 6

other pairing, pg-13, title: lights camera action!, jaemin, length: chaptered

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