Transgressions (2/14+Epilogue)

Nov 04, 2013 17:07

This photo art was given to me some time ago by Tiaral from asianfanfics for any purpose I so choose. ^_^ I choose it as my photo for this fic (that’s why it doesn’t have the name of the fic like all my other posters) but I think it goes with the overall story. Loved it and finally get to use it! THANK YOU TIARAL!

Title: Transgressions
Author jaceni
Pairing: Minjae, minor onesided yunjae appearance, OC pairing
Genre: Angst, Romance, humor, drama, AU
Rating: NC-17 (some parts just PG-16, but since it’s an incest fic I’ve labeled it NC17)
Warning: ACTUAL INCEST(don't say you weren't warned. If this offends you, please don't read.), yaoi, smut, reluctance, Min!seme, Jae!uke, might be unbelievable?, in a world where innocence can be preserved at a later age than today's youth, minors, etc. Corny?, definitely doses of fluffy moments… Oh, and it only really has 2 scenes that could classify as smut scenes or something as close to it as possible. I’ll let you guess at when it happens. XD Think that's it. ^^
Length: Chaptered (1/14+Epilogue)
Beta: enragedsilver
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters of this story or profit from this story. Any similarity to a story already created is accidental. Please let me know if this story is too much like another you might have read, that way I’m aware of it. ^.^ Ya know, there’s only so many plots out there that won’t clash with other stories from other fandoms, so bare that in mind when reading.

Summary: Who said loving your brother like this was bad? Who were they to draw the line to what was good or bad? They'd shared a womb and so much more... so why couldn't they... no, it was wrong. He shouldn't be thinking this...

A/N: Thank you guys for your comments. ^_^ I'm so happy I have people interested in this fic. To thank you I've uploaded the second chapter already. This is also for those that have already read ch. 1 and wanted to see more of the fic. I'll be updating Chapter 3 on 11/7/2013 (possibly at night my time). Well, for now, enjoy another chappie. =)

Previous Chapter

-Chapter 2-

**a year later**

Jimin stood near her babies hand me down crib. She smiled as she saw how little Changmin was protectively hugging his little brother (Jaejoong was born ten minutes after Changmin, therefore making him Changmin's little brother.) Even at this age they were inseparable. Every time they tried to separate them, they'd cry their little hearts out and they wouldn't stop until they felt the presence of the other. She'd heard of that happening to twins, so after a year of sporadically trying to separate them, she'd given up and just allowed them to be in the same crib. She'd worry about how she'd find a way to separate them later, when they were too old to sleep in the same bed. For now, they won their little childhood battle to sleep in the same bed.

She smiled once more as she tucked in their blanket closer, assuring that they were warm before going to her own bed a few feet away from them. Kangsuk was working late so often that she'd rather sleep with the twins than in the empty matrimonial bed. He didn't seem to mind not finding her when he came back... she shook her head, it wasn't the time or place to reminisce about her failed marriage. She couldn't believe she'd been naive enough to think that with the twin's birth things would change... Kangsuk was still as cold and aloof with her as when they'd started their marriage. She supposed the twin's birth date was just a fluke. She lied down once more and fell asleep instantly, tired from taking care of two baby boys that were very energetic and healthy.

**a year later**

Changmin was playing with his toy car happily when he accidently lost his footing and landed on his knees.

"Ou." He said as he rubbed his knees in pain.

"Ou." His little brother also said, rubbing the same spot he was. Changmin frowned at him. Why was Jaejoong saying 'ou' when he was the one who got hurt?

"You no hur’." Changmin told him, a little angry that his little brother was always seeking attention even when nobody was there. He went towards Jaejoong and pushed him back to show him that now he could say 'ou', but as soon as Jaejoong landed down he also felt as if he himself had fallen to the floor.

"Ou! I'm tewing!" Jaejoong said mad, trying to get up to yell for their Umma's attention.

"Quiet!" Changmin told him a little angry as he held Jaejoong's hair to keep him from getting closer to the door of the pin they were in, but noticed that he also felt as if his hair was being pulled. He frowned and pulled harder, feeling the pain increase in his own head too and ignoring the fact that Jaejoong was now fully crying for their Umma to come.


A child's cry resounded throughout the house, making Jimin run towards the living room pin where she kept the twins while she washed the dishes in the kitchen.

"Changmin! Let Jaejoong's hair go this instant young man!" Jimin shouted as soon as she saw her eldest holding her youngest hair tightly.

Changmin looked at her with innocent curious watery eyes and began to cry too, letting go of his brother's hair instantly.

"Aish." Jimin whispered frustrated as she picked up both toddlers. "Sshh, it's okay. Mommy didn't mean to yell out you." She said as she rubbed Jaejoong's sore head and patted Changmin's small back. "But Changmin, you need to take care of your little brother, neh? Don't hurt him. You're his older brother... you need to protect him, arraso?"

She waited as she saw her son's cute puffed out checks while he wiped his mismatched eyes with both hands while pouting. "Arraso Han Changmin?" She said more firmly.

"Arraso." Changmin whispered ashamed.

Jimin smiled and said, "Now, kiss Jaejoong's boobo to make him feel better and say you're sorry."

Changmin puffed his cheeks more, but did as his Umma asked, grabbing Jaejoong's head and kissing his hair as an apology. "Sowy."

"That's a good boy." Jimin smiled and kissed his cheek, making little Changmin smile at her. She also kissed Jaejoong's cheek. "Now, go play... and play nice!"

She let them go to the pin area again and smiled when Changmin dragged his little brother after him, talking their unique childhood language as they excitedly picked up toys. She locked the gate and went back to the kitchen to finish her task. Today they had a doctor's appointment for a physical for the twins. She turned back again to see Changmin and Jaejoong wrestling for a toy, yet laughing while doing it. She smiled and went to finish her task. They needed to leave in an hour and the twins still needed to eat their lunch.


Even as Changmin played with his little brother, he wondered why he could feel his pain. It was something he wouldn't understand until he was a little older. For now, he decided to take his Umma's words to heart and wouldn't hurt Jaejoong like that again. He'd be the best big brother Jaejoong could have and would try not to make him cry, so that his Umma wouldn't be that scary again. With that in mind, he continued to play with Jaejoong, momentarily forgetting about the odd incident.

**Six years later**

Changmin looked at his mother with anger. Why did she always have to baby Jaejoong so much?

"Umma! He's eight years old!!! He's not a baby anymore!" Changmin yelled, exasperated. Because of his mother's constant babying, Jaejoong was getting bullied in school and he couldn't always be there to protect him.

"Han Changmin! What's gotten into you?" His mother said, shocked. Her son was always so reserved and quiet.

"Nothing." Changmin said angrily and stomped off to his room. He didn't know what to do to make Jaejoong stronger and less prone to attacks from other boys who were just jealous that he was attracting the attention of so many girls and had one of the highest grades in school.

He heard the door opening and looked up to see his brother stepping into the room. He could feel his nervousness as he stepped in.

"Don't be mad Hyung. I promise to work at being stronger, but don't get mad at Umma." Jaejoong said softly as he got closer and sat near Changmin.

Changmin sighed. He could never stay mad when Jaejoong looked at him that way. He tried resisting the pouty lips and the big dark brown eyes that showed sadness. The rosy round chubby cheeks also didn't help, making his anger melt away instantly.

"Don't look at me that way Jae. You know I can't stay mad at you when you do that." Changmin pouted in defeat, unknowingly also filling his cheeks with air and making him look like a chipmunk.

Jaejoong smiled and jumped on Changmin, making them fall backwards on the bed, hugging him tightly as he said, "I promise Min. I won't let those boys get to me and I'll learn to defend myself so that I don't have to bother you."

Changmin sighed more loudly, but nonetheless hugged Jaejoong back as he replied in his childish voice, "You know I don't mind Jae... but what if I can't reach you on time one of these days and you get beat up really bad? I wouldn't be able to forgive myself and Umma will get really mad that I wasn't able to protect you."

Jaejoong separated from Changmin and frowned. "Ya! I'm not a girl and I'm your same age!!! I just have to learn to protect myself.... I don't need you to come rescue me all the time. Just teach me how to defend myself." Jaejoong smiled and sat down properly again, disentangling from Changmin while Changmin stayed lying down on the bed.

"Hmm... you're not a girl?" Changmin looked astonished and continued in a teasing tone, "You've deceived me all along!" He said dramatically and continued, "I thought I had a sis-hey!"

Jaejoong pounced on him and started hitting him where ever he could playfully, "Ya! That's not funny!" He said indignantly as Changmin laughed while blocking the hits.

"Hahahahaha. You better tell Umma to cut your hair then, because you definitely look lik-" a hit to the stomach stopped his little speech. He groaned and curled up slightly in a fetal position.

"Ouch." Jaejoong said as he felt the phantom pain of the hit he gave Changmin. That was one thing he hated about being a twin. Always feeling what Changmin feels was very confusing, but they were getting better at distinguishing what was their own feelings (or was it sensations?) and what was their twin's. Good thing too, since it seemed Changmin was always starving no matter how much he ate.

"Fine, fine. I'll stop." Changmin surrendered, exhausted because of their little play fight as he stared at Jaejoong. He imagined what the other was thinking in that moment. It was something he himself found troublesome too, but they hoped that when they got bigger, that their (was it link?) whatever it was would dull a bit so that they could fight normally without getting the repercussions of feeling what the other feels. It really is a mood killer to feel the pain you inflict on the other. That's why they avoided physical fights as much as possible. They weren't masochists.

"When will we start?" Jaejoong asked suddenly after having laid down too, facing Changmin in a fetal position as well.

"Hmm... you want to start today? I don't have a lot of homework to do and the sooner you can defend yourself the better..." Changmin said distractedly as he saw Jaejoong's hair practically cover one eye as it went sideways due to them lying down like this. It really did need to get cut. He hadn't lied about the length making him look like a girl... he picked up his hand to swipe the hair away from Jaejoong's face. "You really need to cut your hair dongsaeng."

"Yeah, yeah. I know Hyung, I know." Jaejoong replied exasperated as he swiped Changmin's hand away. "Fine, let's start today."

Jaejoong got up and off the bed. "See you in two hours Hyung." Jaejoong said cheerfully and Changmin smiled.

"See you dongsaeng." Changmin saluted and Jaejoong laughed as he exited. Changmin frowned. This seemed to be happening more lately. He'd get entranced with a feature of his dongseang and he wondered why. Maybe he was just amazed at how different he looked from him and was just observing the growing changes?

He got up from the bed and went to the vanity mirror in their room, slowly tracing his own features. His hair was getting a little long too, parted in the middle as it was. He disliked his thin mouth, made his mouth somehow look wider too. He touched the ridges of his lips, the ones that always made it seem his lips were chapped even when they weren’t, and saw the shape of his nose. He really didn’t find similarities between his dongseang and himself and he sometimes wished there were. His dongseang was so much better looking than he was… he shook his head.

"That must be it. I'm just observing the changes..." he whispered to himself as he shook his head again and headed out the door. He was suddenly very hungry... he hoped his Umma had made dinner already, otherwise he'd starve to death.

Chapter 3...

nc-17, other pairings, jaemin, title: transgressions, length: chaptered

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