Title: For the Sake of a Friend, (Logan/Veronica, Meg/Weevil), PG-13, 19/? Author: jacedesbffPairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, Meg/Weevil, ensemble
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I'm still in love with the entire premise of this fic, and this chapter has only added to my love.
insecure!Logan is surprising sweet and, just insecure. He really does need a public display of Veronica's love for him. Can't we help it out?
Duncan has officially lost it! Using a laser pen to get violent is a wonderful, and healthy, way to deal with his conditions. As a side note, why hasn't Jake been around that much? I always got the impression that Jake and Duncan has a much better relationship, and maybe that would help Duncan not be crazy? Donut needs to seriously get help, and soon
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Don't you feel like Logan is just dying to jump on top of a coffee cart and declare his love?! (I haven't read your OC crossover yet, but I am *such* a Seth/Summer 'shipper and I would love nothing more than for Logan to get to pull a "Seth".) :-)
Yeah, Duncan's whacked. I learned about the laser pointer thing on CSI: Miami. Let's hear it for too much TV watching! And good point about Jake. Hmmm...
It was interesting to write Mac's scene. Hard, though. For the reasons you listed.
And there are many interesting times ahead for L and V! The next thing I'm going to write is actually a one-shot for the vmlyricfic set in this universe that's going to tell the story of how Weevil and Meg became a couple. Then I'll get chatper 20. :-)
I'm having the biggest giggle/laugh fest over your comment about Logan pulling a coffee cart moment. It would be perfect in this story!!! There's a line in my fic you might appreciate then (though maybe not.) There will be parts of that fic that I'm sure you'll find funny (especially if you've conpulsively watched The OC like I do.)
I remember that CSI: Miami ep with the laser pointer! Horray for too much TV indeed. Ooh--I have a point! Score!!!
Considering the items I have from herowlness for vmlyricfic, I'm excited at that one-shot you're working on next. I'm sure it's going to wonderful!!!
Yeah...so hard core, in fact, that I stopped watching when they broke them up this season for the pure sake of ratings. Evil wankers! I know that they got back together at the end of the season, but they were the only reason I was watching by then. Sadness... Now that Marissa's gone, though... :-) Maybe I'll have to watch again!
I'm still in love with the entire premise of this fic, and this chapter has only added to my love.
insecure!Logan is surprising sweet and, just insecure. He really does need a public display of Veronica's love for him. Can't we help it out?
Duncan has officially lost it! Using a laser pen to get violent is a wonderful, and healthy, way to deal with his conditions. As a side note, why hasn't Jake been around that much? I always got the impression that Jake and Duncan has a much better relationship, and maybe that would help Duncan not be crazy? Donut needs to seriously get help, and soon ( ... )
Yeah, Duncan's whacked. I learned about the laser pointer thing on CSI: Miami. Let's hear it for too much TV watching! And good point about Jake. Hmmm...
It was interesting to write Mac's scene. Hard, though. For the reasons you listed.
And there are many interesting times ahead for L and V! The next thing I'm going to write is actually a one-shot for the vmlyricfic set in this universe that's going to tell the story of how Weevil and Meg became a couple. Then I'll get chatper 20. :-)
I remember that CSI: Miami ep with the laser pointer! Horray for too much TV indeed. Ooh--I have a point! Score!!!
Considering the items I have from herowlness for vmlyricfic, I'm excited at that one-shot you're working on next. I'm sure it's going to wonderful!!!
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